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1. 治疗慢性肝炎、肝硬化


2. 治疗肝癌


3. 治疗乳腺增生、乳腺结节


4. 治疗甲状腺结节


5. 治疗子宫肌瘤



1. 孕妇禁用鳖甲煎丸。

2. 使用鳖甲煎丸期间,应遵医嘱,不得擅自增减剂量。

3. 鳖甲煎丸可能存在不良反应,如出现过敏反应或其他不适症状,应立即停药并就医。

4. 鳖甲煎丸与其他药物合用时,请咨询医师或药师。


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1. 蛋白质:马齿苋中的蛋白质含量较高,有助于补充人体所需的氨基酸,增强体质。

2. 维生素:马齿苋中含有丰富的维生素,如维生素A、维生素C、维生素E等,具有抗氧化、提高免疫力、保护视力等作用。

3. 矿物质:马齿苋富含钙、磷、铁等矿物质,有助于补充人体所需的微量元素,促进骨骼发育,预防骨质疏松。

4. 胡萝卜素:马齿苋中的胡萝卜素含量较高,具有抗氧化、保护视力、预防癌症等作用。


1. 降低血糖:马齿苋中的去甲肾上腺素能促进胰岛素分泌,调节人体内糖代谢过程,具有降低血糖浓度、保持血糖稳定的作用,对糖尿病具有一定的食疗作用。

2. 抗菌消炎:马齿苋中含有的鞣酸、生物碱、黄酮类化合物、有机酸等成分具有杀菌、镇静作用,可以杀灭导致痘痘的细菌,缓解炎症红肿,因此马齿苋熬水洗脸有消炎祛痘的作用。

3. 利尿消肿:马齿苋具有利水消肿的功效,其中的钾盐含量丰富,有助于降低血压,预防高血压。

4. 预防心脏病:马齿苋含有丰富的脂肪酸,能抑制血清胆固醇含量,预防心脏病。

5. 保护视力:马齿苋中的胡萝卜素和维生素A对视力具有很好的保护作用,有助于预防夜盲症。

6. 抗癌作用:马齿苋具有抗氧化、抗肿瘤作用,可以预防癌症。



1. 凉拌马齿苋:将马齿苋焯水后,加入蒜末、醋、盐、辣椒油等调料拌匀即可。

2. 马齿苋炒鸡蛋:将马齿苋焯水后,与鸡蛋一起炒熟,加入适量的盐、生抽调味即可。

3. 马齿苋馅包子:将马齿苋焯水后,剁碎,加入适量的盐、生抽、香油等调料拌匀,制成馅料,包入面粉皮中蒸熟即可。

4. 马齿苋粥:将马齿苋焯水后,与大米一起煮成粥,加入适量的盐调味即可。


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1. 镇痛:舒胆胶囊具有良好的镇痛作用,可有效缓解胆囊炎、胆石症等疾病引起的疼痛症状。

2. 抗炎:舒胆胶囊具有抗炎作用,可减轻胆囊炎、胆石症等疾病引起的炎症反应。

3. 利胆:舒胆胶囊有助于胆汁分泌,促进胆汁流动,缓解胆道阻塞。

4. 调节胆固醇代谢:舒胆胶囊可降低血液中胆固醇水平,有助于预防胆石症的形成。



1. 胆囊炎:包括急性胆囊炎、慢性胆囊炎等。

2. 胆石症:包括胆固醇结石、胆色素结石等。

3. 胆道感染:如胆管炎、肝胆管结石等。

4. 胆汁淤积:如胆汁淤积综合征等。


1. 口服:成人一次1-2粒,一日3次。

2. 疗程:根据病情,一般疗程为2-4周。


1. 消化系统:部分患者可能出现恶心、呕吐、腹泻等胃肠道反应。

2. 过敏反应:极少数患者可能出现皮疹、瘙痒等过敏反应。

3. 药物相互作用:舒胆胶囊与以下药物存在相互作用,需谨慎使用:





1. 孕妇、哺乳期妇女及儿童慎用。

2. 肝功能不全、胆道梗阻患者禁用。

3. 胆囊炎急性发作期,建议先给予抗感染、解痉止痛等对症治疗。

4. 舒胆胶囊仅为对症治疗药物,对于病因治疗需结合其他药物或手术治疗。

5. 患者在服用舒胆胶囊期间,应遵循医嘱,不得随意增减剂量或停药。


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1. 镇静安神:龙骨性微寒,归心、肝经,具有镇静安神的作用。对于失眠多梦、心神不宁、惊悸不安等症状有显著疗效。

2. 平肝潜阳:龙骨具有平肝潜阳的作用,适用于肝阳上亢、头晕目眩、烦躁易怒等症状。

3. 收敛生肌:龙骨有收敛生肌之效,可用于治疗外伤出血、溃疡久不收口等症。

4. 固精敛汗:龙骨可固精敛汗,适用于遗精、早泄、盗汗等症状。

5. 止血凉血:龙骨具有止血凉血的功效,适用于血热妄行、吐血、衄血等症状。


1. 治疗失眠多梦:龙骨的镇静安神作用,对于失眠多梦有显著疗效。可配伍其他安神药物,如酸枣仁、柏子仁等,以增强疗效。

2. 治疗头晕目眩:龙骨的平肝潜阳作用,对于肝阳上亢所致的头晕目眩有显著疗效。可配伍钩藤、菊花等药物,以增强疗效。

3. 治疗外伤出血:龙骨的收敛生肌作用,对于外伤出血有显著疗效。可配伍其他止血药物,如三七、白及等,以增强疗效。

4. 治疗遗精早泄:龙骨的固精敛汗作用,对于遗精、早泄等症状有显著疗效。可配伍其他固精药物,如五味子、芡实等,以增强疗效。

5. 治疗血热妄行:龙骨的止血凉血作用,对于血热妄行所致的吐血、衄血等症状有显著疗效。可配伍其他止血药物,如白茅根、茜草等,以增强疗效。


1. 炮制:龙骨的炮制方法主要有生龙骨、煅龙骨、朱砂拌龙骨等。生龙骨以潜阳镇静、安神作用为主;煅龙骨以收敛固涩、增强疗效为主;朱砂拌龙骨以宁心安神作用为主。

2. 用法用量:龙骨煎剂常用量为15~30克,宜先煎。外用时,适量研末敷患处。


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1. 疏风清热:苍耳子具有疏散风邪、清热解毒的作用,适用于风热感冒、头痛、牙痛等症状。

2. 通鼻窍:苍耳子、辛夷等成分具有通鼻窍的作用,可有效缓解鼻塞、流涕、鼻痒等症状。

3. 止头痛:苍耳子、白芷等成分具有止痛作用,对头痛、偏头痛等有较好的缓解效果。

4. 抗菌消炎:苍耳子、石膏、黄芩等成分具有抗菌消炎的作用,可用于治疗感冒、鼻炎、咽喉炎等疾病。

5. 调节免疫功能:苍耳子、白芷等成分可调节人体免疫功能,增强机体抵抗力。


1. 治疗鼻炎:苍耳子滴丸对鼻炎具有显著的治疗效果,尤其适用于风热型鼻炎、急性和慢性鼻炎、鼻窦炎和过敏性鼻炎等。

2. 缓解头痛:对于头痛、偏头痛等症状,苍耳子滴丸具有较好的缓解作用。

3. 改善感冒症状:苍耳子滴丸可缓解感冒引起的头痛、鼻塞、流涕等症状。

4. 增强免疫力:长期服用苍耳子滴丸,可增强机体免疫力,预防感冒等疾病。


1. 适用人群:苍耳子滴丸适用于风热感冒、鼻炎、头痛、咽喉炎等患者。

2. 注意事项:







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1. 性味:枳壳性味苦、辛、酸、温,属温性药。苦能泄、辛能散、酸能收、温能通,具有温中散寒、理气宽胸、行滞消积的作用。

2. 归经:枳壳归脾、胃、大肠经,主要作用于这三个脏腑。脾主运化,胃主受纳,大肠主传导,枳壳可调理脾胃,促进胃肠蠕动,消除食积,缓解便秘。


1. 理气宽胸:枳壳具有理气宽胸的功效,适用于胸胁胀满、咳嗽气喘等症状。

2. 行滞消积:枳壳可消除食积,缓解脘腹胀满、便秘等症状。

3. 健脾开胃:枳壳具有健脾开胃的作用,适用于脾胃虚弱、食欲不振等症状。

4. 抗炎、抗过敏:现代药理学研究证实,枳壳中含有多种生物活性成分,具有抗炎、抗过敏等作用。

5. 强心、利尿、保肝利胆:枳壳可增强心脏功能,促进利尿,保护肝脏和胆囊。


1. 食积气滞:枳壳可配伍山楂、神曲等药物,治疗食积不化、脘腹痞满胀痛等症状。

2. 痰浊阻滞:枳壳可配伍薤白、桂枝等药物,治疗胸阳不振、痰阻胸痹等症状。

3. 气虚下陷:枳壳可配伍黄芪、升麻、柴胡等药物,治疗子宫脱垂、脱肛、胃下垂等症状。

4. 脾虚食积:枳壳可配伍白术等药物,治疗脾虚食积、食后脘腹痞满等症状。

5. 肝气淤积:枳壳可配伍香附、柴胡等药物,治疗肝气淤积所导致的胸胁胀痛等症状。


1. 阴虚火旺者慎用:枳壳性温,阴虚火旺者不宜使用。

2. 孕妇慎用:枳壳具有兴奋子宫的作用,孕妇慎用。


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1. 成分








2. 作用






1. 疗效显著:龙角散在治疗咳嗽、咽喉不适、感冒等方面具有显著的疗效,深受患者喜爱。

2. 安全性高:龙角散由天然中草药组成,副作用较小,安全性较高。

3. 服用方便:龙角散为粉末状制剂,可直接用水送服,服用方便。


1. 服药期间忌烟酒、辛辣、油腻食物。

2. 龙角散不适用于三个月以下的幼儿、糖尿病患者。

3. 服用龙角散后若出现不良反应,应及时停药并就医。

4. 龙角散不宜与猪肉、龙眼等食物同服。


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1. 蛋白质:蛋白质是人体必需的营养素,韭菜种子中的蛋白质含量较高,有助于增强人体免疫力,促进生长发育。

2. 脂肪:韭菜种子中的脂肪成分有助于维持人体正常的新陈代谢,提高免疫力。

3. 矿物质:韭菜种子中含有钙、磷、铁、锌等矿物质,这些矿物质对人体骨骼、心血管、神经系统等都有重要作用。

4. 维生素:韭菜种子中含有丰富的维生素,如维生素A、B族维生素、维生素C等,具有抗氧化、抗炎、增强免疫力等作用。


1. 补肾温阳:韭菜种子性温,具有补肾温阳的作用,适用于治疗阳痿、遗精、早泄等病症,尤其对肝肾两虚的人有较好的疗效。

2. 益肝健胃:韭菜种子含有挥发性精油及硫化物等特殊成分,能散发出独特的香味,增加食欲,提高脾胃功能,预防肝气不舒和胸胁胀痛。

3. 行气理血:韭菜种子的辛辣气味具有散瘀活血、行气导滞作用,可用于治疗跌打损伤、反胃、肠炎、吐血、胸痛等症。

4. 润肠通便:韭菜种子中含有天然油脂和纤维素,能润滑肠道,加快肠道蠕动,对便秘有明显预防和缓解作用。

5. 抗癌作用:韭菜种子中的营养成分具有抗氧化、抗炎、增强免疫力等作用,有助于预防癌症。

6. 治疗疾病:韭菜种子在临床中可用于治疗风湿性关节炎、慢性细菌性痢疾、习惯性打嗝、支气管哮喘、泌尿系统感染、功能性子宫出血、牙疼等疾病。



1. 韭菜子白芷粥:韭菜子10克、白芷9克、米适量。先煮药去渣留汁,再加米煮粥。

2. 腐竹白果粥:腐竹50克、白果仁9克(去心)、米适量,共煮为粥食之。

3. 韭菜炒虾仁:韭菜400克,鲜虾仁200克。锅烧热,加入食油,烧至七成热时,下韭菜段及鲜虾仁煸炒片刻,加入适量白酒及食盐等调味品即可。

4. 韭花:一种酱类食品,用蒜臼子研细韭菜未成熟的种子成浆糊状,在常温下发酵三天左右,加入适量盐即可食用。


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Han Shu grinned. "It’s a lot of work. Come on, stop complaining and find out what those dark bastards are doing. We can go back soon."

"I want to drink after I go back," Ji Yu stressed. "Drink good wine!"
"Take care of me. It’s my treat. When you get drunk, I’ll find you a bed to sleep in." Han Shu blinked.
Ji Yu snorted from the nasal cavity and climbed over the tree wall deftly to climb to the top.
It is followed by others.
Came to the tree wall Ji Yu gestured and led Tianyang three people to rock the car skeleton and all kinds of hidden objects.
Unusually smoothly, they sneaked into a building.
The walls of the building are covered with mold peculiar to the boundary, and the ground is littered with all kinds of messy things. They found a staircase leading to the first floor, and after a while they came to the fourth floor.
Han Shu found a window and looked out of the window. More than a dozen strange black trees were growing in the eureka tower square, which was also arranged in a circle.
These trees have no leaves, but a bunch of twisted branches, and the trunk is engraved with strange symbols. Every strange tree has a fire and flames, and strange figures wander around.
A small number, but there are also dozens of these black people wandering around like lepers.
Tianyang also saw this scene, and he lowered his voice and said; "Captain, there is a circle of strange trees in these buildings. If you add the outermost tree wall, it will be three circles. The tree wall, the building and the strange trees form a concentric structure, which is obviously not a natural phenomenon."
Han Shu also retracted his head and sat on the wall and drew three circles with his fingers all over the dusty ground. "It looks really weird. It’s a bit like the war bishop meeting their altar structure and what do these scum like Nidhogg worship?"
Looking out the window, Cang Du’s face suddenly changed, and Ji Yu also woke up and said, "Look outside."
Han Shu and Tianyang looked out of the window again, and a team appeared in the place where the black strange tree was growing.
The team consists of crazy dogs and secretive shooters, with a wizard in front.
There is another figure beside the wizard.
Tianyang adjusted the tactical eye distance and zoomed in. He saw a fat man.
Short stature, wearing a pair of shorts and pale skin.
The head is covered with a helmet shaped like a crown. Tianyang bet that its face is also wearing a visor that covers half of its face.
"Is that thing also a Nidhogg?" When Han Shugang said this, another team appeared in the northwest.
The team, also led by the wizard, is also accompanied by a humanoid creature, but this exceptionally burly man has very clear muscle lines, and his arms are wrapped around black chains, and the links collide and make a tinkling sound.
Judging from the black visor of the crown helmet, yes, this is also a Nidhogg.
Han Shu retracted his head and sat down to stare at each other.
"I think we have to leave." Ji Yu coughed and gave Han Shu an inquiring look.
Just a wizard is a headache enough. There are two and two Nidhogg.
Plus the one who ran away from them, there are already three Nidhogg in this town.
Although it is not clear to what extent the Black King’s real strength has reached, since he can win the title, he will not be inferior to the wizard
If we regard them as black people with danger level 3, there are more than five monsters with danger level now.
No matter how you look at the raven team, there is no chance of winning.
It must be dangerous for Han Shu to stay here with a hesitant face, but if he leaves like this, he won’t know about the dark people.
A strange roar came from the floor to Tianyang probe, and it turned out that two teams had come near the tree circle.
The team stopped, and both the mad dog and the mysterious shooter hissed and roared as if celebrating something.
It wasn’t until that two wizard, who were hunched and clad in fabric like a cloak, raised their pale, thin hands that the dark people who were screaming wildly became quiet.
The wizard pointed to the tree circle when the ground shook slightly and a rock was pulled away from the ground by the shape force.
The two wizards gestured with their hands that the rock was suddenly carved into a high-backed rock seat by the flying force field of stone powder.
Na Yan high back a string of Mars grazing carved out Tianyang their mysterious building outside the black dead tree to see mysterious symbols!
After the completion of the symbol, a string of short hoarse words sounded in the wizard’s hood. The two Nidhogg seemed to understand and headed gently and then walked towards the tree circle.
As soon as he entered the tree circle, the particularly burly black raptor threw his arm around his arm and flew out to entangle a wanderer.
Nidhogg, like a giant Han, held the chain and pulled the wanderer. Nidhogg stretched out his hand and grabbed the crown helmet and visor above his head to reveal the mouthparts inside.
Bite the head of the wanderer, and there was a sharp tooth and sharp scraping sound of bones on the spot.
Not to be outdone, the other fat man, seemingly clumsy, jumped lightly and pounced on the two wanderers in front.
A man’s belly suddenly opened up from left to right.
When you are fat, your body spits out two puffs of black blood like oil, and in a blink of an eye, you will eat most of the wanderers.
"They …" Tianyang looked at Han Shu. "Is this eating?"
Chapter 7 Fight each other
Han Shu didn’t answer Tianyang’s question. The captain, who is as rough from appearance to heart, looked at the bottom of the dark people and his face became more and more ugly.
Tianyang continued to pay attention to the killing of the tree circle. At this time, the corner of the eye caught a shaking shadow. Tianyang quickly turned his head and saw the shadow on the periphery of the tree circle rushing in the direction of the tree circle.
When it passed a fire, the flame was blown forward by the airflow for a moment before it returned to normal.

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Knowing that his cancer was in the treatment after a car accident, he knew it was terminal. That’s why he didn’t want to see his son. Sooner or later, he would have to separate, which would make Liu Feiyang’s mood fluctuate again. The best life he can give his child is to leave quietly so that the child can live decently in a good environment.

It’s a pity to see more for the rest of my life. I didn’t expect that I could make such a contribution. Liu Gang felt that it must be that God was helping him. He could almost see the future of his son flying yellow.
To tell the truth, Tang Shu was really excited when Liugang took the initiative to find the door. For Lu Fengxing’s feelings, it was definitely better than brothers and sisters to restore the light to the boss. That’s what he is looking forward to every day now. Now someone is willing to do this. He is so excited that he successfully recommended this matter. He cooperated with it and kept it strictly confidential. He knew that if Lu Fengxing knew what was going on, Lu Fengxing would definitely not cooperate with it. He chose to hide it.
But at this moment, watching the bed endure the pain of illness, Liu Gang Tang Shu suddenly found himself not as cold as he thought, and he already had a deep sense of guilt, and he didn’t know what to make up for to calm his heart.
In the morning, Liu Feiyang got up early as usual for morning exercise, but he didn’t meet the uncle sweeping the floor at the door of the community. It seems that he hasn’t seen the uncle sweeping the floor for many days. Liu Feiyang’s heart is inexplicable. Although he rarely communicates with the uncle, the uncle still gives him a sense of pride. He always feels that there are still many people paying attention.
"Hello, aunt! I want to ask why the uncle who used to sweep the floor here didn’t come. Is he sick? " Liu Feiyang couldn’t help but make a hall to replace her uncle and aunt.
"I heard that it seems that I have cancer. It is estimated that I will live for a few days!" The woman casually responded.
"Is he in hospital?" Liu Feiyang’s heart ached fiercely. There is a way to explain the feeling.
"It seems that it is not clear! We are all temporary workers and there are not so many reports! " The woman stopped her hand and looked at Liu Feiyang. "Do you have something to find him? Is something lost or something? "
"No, I’m just asking!" Liu Feiyang shook his head hard and turned to run to the park. The speed was crazy.
In this way, Liu Feiyang ran wildly, and I didn’t know when tears were flying out of my eyes. When I saw Wu in the park, I completely collapsed and plunged into Wu’s arms and choked up.
"Master, I miss my father!"
It was Liu Feiyang’s heart, which he had suppressed for a long time. He had been expecting that his father would suddenly appear in front of him one day and tell him that he really missed him, but day by day passed and then disappeared month by month. He still had no news of his father.
"Good boy!" Wu canthus is wet as soon as it is.
Liu Feiyang is definitely a strong child. He has never shed tears casually with martial arts, and he has never been overly dependent on anyone. But after all, a child is a child’s family turmoil. It is impossible not to leave a mark on his heart. It is already very good to do this!
"Dad don’t me? Does nobody want me anymore? Whoops-"Liu Feiyang felt that his heart was particularly painful today, and he never felt pain. It seems that all emotions have accumulated to a certain point, and there is no way to maintain the original silence.
"Silly child which have a father will be willing to give up their children? I believe that your parents must also love you! " Wu sighed in his heart and gently comforted, "Birth, illness, death and illness are all under our control. Even if you have no parents to accompany you in your life from now on, you should do it well and wonderfully. That is the most gratifying thing for them!"
Wu stroking the child’s back and trying to make his emotions slowly return to calm. "There are many people who love you, and each of us is looking forward to your healthy and happy growth. This is also a blessing. Take good care of it, master child. I hope you can really become a talent!"
"Dad is gone? Are you leaving me like grandma and mom? " Liu Feiyang suddenly looked up and asked a question he had been worried about. Dad didn’t come to see him, but he still hoped that Dad could live well. That was his only relative in this world. He really didn’t want to lose it again!
"alas!" Nai sighed. To be honest, there has been no news for so long. He is really dirty and optimistic about Liugang’s fall, but it seems that he is too sentimental to face all kinds of expectations of children.
Section 39
"It’s hard to say such a thing as an accident. Maybe he lost his mobility in which hospital he was treated. Maybe he hurt his brain and forgot everything. It takes a long time to recover." I don’t want the child to lose hope. "I want to come back to us when he is well. You should study hard and exercise so as not to disappoint dad. Got it?"
☆ Chapter 315
Wu cherishes children and wipes away tears. How many poor children have lost their parents’ love and how many parents are not as cute as children?
That morning, Wu did not ask Liu Feiyang to do morning exercises, but took the child for the first time. He never disdained KFC. He wanted to spoil this child. Sometimes being sensible will make people ignore that he is still a child or a child who just graduated from elementary school.
"Master, didn’t you say that these are junk food and shouldn’t be eaten?" At the gate of the fast food restaurant, Liu Feiyang was confused.
"Didn’t you take an examination of key middle schools? Aunt came to take you out to play, but now she’s going to a friend’s wedding, and she won’t be able to wait until she comes back. Do you think it’s ok for you to celebrate first, even if you are a master today? "
"hmm!" Liu Feiyang’s little face is finally as happy as a child, and Wu Xin has calmed down a lot.
Liu Gang, a hospital bed, slowly woke up and touched the gauze. He knew it was all over.
"Are you awake?" Tang Shu has been at Liugang’s side, and he feels that he will feel better if he takes care of himself.
"Is the operation going well?" This is what Liugang is most worried about.
"Very smooth!" When Tang Shu didn’t want to announce the popularity, he always felt that it was too cruel to do so.
"Do you want to meet your son?" What does Tang Shu hope Liugang can do?
"no!" LiuGang bitter smile "can’t see now! He is engraved in my heart, and I will never forget it! "
"Maybe the child really wants to see you?" Tang Shu doesn’t want to leave any regrets about leaving.
"Come on, he is so good! There is a hope, and there is always a hope. If all the hopes are wiped out, he will feel lonely! " Liugang now hopes that her son will be well, then everything will be worth it.
"Is there anything else you want to do? I will definitely help you fulfill your wish! " Tang Shu paused and didn’t say how long Liugang hadn’t spoken.
"You have helped me. I can donate my cornea to Lu Shao smoothly, which can restore his light energy, and make Miss’s heart make my son feel very happy! If I can, I still want to listen to the flying sound. I wonder if it is convenient to fuck? " Liugang, that’s what he really wants. It’s the only thing he wants in this world.
"Don’t worry, I will definitely help you with this!" Tang Shu felt that his eyes were a little hot. He was also a father, and he could understand the kind of reluctance to give up.
"Thank you!" Liugang simply responded and fell asleep.
Tang Shu didn’t tell anyone about this matter according to the agreement with Liugang, and he spared no effort to relieve Liugang’s pain with all kinds of good medicines, which can make his heart feel better. One day, when it becomes popular, he can give a suitable statement.
A week later, Wen Zezong and Jin Yuying’s wedding was held in a beautiful and romantic Hawaiian island. I’m glad I didn’t bring Lu Fengxing. Wen Zezong arranged all the guests in the water, and everyone carried an oxygen bottle on their shoulders. It’s really embarrassing.
When I was older, I refused. I would rather stay on the shore and watch the live broadcast. Although I feel that it is a pity if my gift is so watery, I still have to take part in the oxygen bottle Wenzezong wedding. It is a farewell to many memories in the past.
The day before the wedding, Jin Yuying and her parents checked into another room in the hotel. That was before her daughter got married, and the meaning was definitely different from that of her parents’ last night. However, these days, when it was always inappropriate, she never got in touch with Lu Fengxing. However, her parents still called every day to communicate with her, and it was enough to hear her baby babbling in the words.
Since the man didn’t call her, he said that nothing important had happened, and since he needed his own help, he decided not to disturb her. In fact, she didn’t know what to communicate in the conversation. Too much information here will make the man feel embarrassed. If he doesn’t say anything, he will be embarrassed by the silence.
Just as Miao looked at his mobile phone in a daze, Wenzezong’s telephone number suddenly appeared in the words.
"I am at your door!" It is rare for a man to have a serious voice in the words.
"Huh?" As soon as Miao froze, I didn’t know what a man would appear at his door at this moment.
"God, I am someone else’s groom. I will swear in front of the priest that I will love my wife for the rest of my life. It will be really different!" Wen Zezong’s hard voice hides a strong reluctance.
"hmm!" I feel as if something is blocked in my throat.
Although I have never had any special feelings for this man, I have always had a habit of pestering and beating men and hurting them for a long time. It is absolutely deceptive to say that I don’t feel anything in my heart
"Are you not going to give me the door?" I already feel the man leaning against the door.
"No, I’m afraid I’ll be reluctant!" Miao also leaned against the door to talk, but deliberately leaned against the light. "After guarding me, there will be no plague. Do you think my luck will be better?"
"You really have no conscience!" The man smiled bitterly. "You must be happy!"
"You too!" I put away my joke. "I always hope you can have a happy marriage. Now you must cherish it!" "
"I will!"
The two men were silent for a long time, and finally said good night to each other, but they hung up. Although she knew that the man was still at the door, this relationship was not destined for her, so it was the most important thing she could do for them!
Looking at Wen Zezong holding the bride’s hand and stepping on the beach, the two men immersed themselves in the water together in a sweet mutual look, knowing that they were right to do so, carrying oxygen bottles and accompanying the bride and groom with the guests.
A colorful place at the bottom of the sea has already set up all the scenes, white curtains and arches. The solemn priest has been waiting. Looking at the bride and groom, they put their hands on the Bible, knowing that the oath is sacred and flowing through all their souls. The skirt is rippling in the sea, which is particularly graceful. Today, Jin Yuying is suspected to be the most beautiful. She can’t tell whether her eyes are wet with tears or sea water.
When the glittering diamond ring was put on the bride’s finger by the groom, all the guests applauded. Wen Zezong retreated, bit his mouth and solemnly kissed the bride. At that moment when there was no oxygen, they were each other’s oxygen. Wen Zezong wanted to tell himself and the woman in this way that they would be the only one from now on!
One by one, the garlands were put in the hands of two kissing people by the guests, and the rose rings were also put in their hands. The man with a neck was very persistent in his eyes, and then he looked at them sincerely and closed them in front of them, knowing that the window of the soul would never be opened again. This was the final outcome of her and athel Loren.
A romantic wedding was held at noon and a feast was arranged at the beach hotel. The bride and groom also wore comfortable holiday casual clothes and everyone celebrated without restraint.
To tell the truth, Miao is not a very lively person. Facing the carnival scene, she quietly retired. She prefers to enjoy the beach, sea breeze and sunshine quietly.
"I said this is not allowed to eat anything and put it in your mouth!" A man’s rude voice attracted his attention and turned around to find a young man teaching a child about one year old.