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1. 食用





2. 调味品




3. 美容养颜





1. 增强免疫力


2. 帮助消化


3. 降低血糖


4. 抗癌作用


5. 抗氧化




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1. 维生素C:白柚子中的维生素C含量非常丰富,这种营养物质有助于增强免疫力、促进铁的吸收和伤口愈合。

2. 维生素A:白柚子中的维生素A有助于维持视力、皮肤和黏膜的健康。

3. 钾:白柚子中含有的钾是一种有益于心血管和改善便秘问题。


1. 增强免疫力:白柚子中的维生素C有助于增强免疫力,提高人体抵抗力,预防感冒等呼吸道疾病。

2. 促进心血管健康:白柚子中的钾和膳食纤维有助于降低血压,预防心血管疾病。

3. 改善便秘:白柚子中的膳食纤维可以促进肠道蠕动,帮助改善便秘问题。

4. 保护视力:白柚子中的维生素A有助于维持视力健康,让您在寒冷的冬季也能拥有明亮的双眼。

5. 缓解压力:白柚子中的维生素C可以帮助缓解压力,让您的心情更加愉悦。

6. 辅助减肥:白柚子热量低,但营养丰富,有助于改善血液中的血压和脂质水平,对控制体重和预防肥胖具有长期益处。

7. 美容养颜:白柚子中的维生素C和维生素A有助于维持皮肤健康,延缓衰老,美容养颜。


1. 空腹不宜食用:空腹时食用柚子,可能导致胃酸过多,引起胃痛。

2. 避免与某些药物同服:柚子中的某些成分可能影响药物的代谢,如他汀类药物、钙通道阻滞剂等。

3. 糖尿病患者适量食用:白柚子虽然有助于降低血糖,但糖尿病患者仍需适量食用,以免血糖波动。

4. 过敏体质者谨慎食用:部分人群对柚子过敏,食用后可能出现皮疹、瘙痒等症状。


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1. 温补肾阳


2. 填精止遗


3. 调节性激素


4. 抗衰老



1. 调节阴阳平衡


2. 活血化瘀


3. 增强免疫功能


4. 调节性激素含量



1. 肾阳虚证


2. 肾病综合征


3. 老年病



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1. 降血脂:红曲米胶囊中的洛伐他汀是一种天然降血脂物质,可以有效地降低低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL-C)水平,预防动脉粥样硬化、冠心病等心脑血管疾病。

2. 清洁血管:红曲米胶囊中的成分有助于清除血管内的杂质和毒素,保持血管畅通,降低血栓形成的风险。

3. 调节血压:红曲米胶囊中的成分可以扩张血管,降低血压,对高血压患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。

4. 预防肥胖:红曲米胶囊中的成分有助于减少脂肪的吸收,从而有助于预防肥胖。

5. 增强免疫力:红曲米胶囊中的成分可以增强机体免疫力,提高抗病能力。

6. 健脾消食:中医认为,红曲米具有健脾消食的功效,有助于改善消化不良、食欲不振等症状。


1. 改善血脂异常:红曲米胶囊可以有效降低血脂水平,对血脂异常患者有较好的改善作用。

2. 预防心脑血管疾病:红曲米胶囊中的成分有助于降低胆固醇,预防动脉粥样硬化、冠心病等心脑血管疾病。

3. 调节血压:红曲米胶囊中的成分可以扩张血管,降低血压,对高血压患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。

4. 增强免疫力:红曲米胶囊中的成分可以增强机体免疫力,提高抗病能力。

5. 健脾消食:红曲米胶囊中的成分有助于改善消化不良、食欲不振等症状。


1. 红曲米胶囊并非药品,不能替代药物治疗,对于血脂异常等疾病应在医生指导下进行治疗。

2. 红曲米胶囊中的红曲霉素含量较低,但过敏体质者仍需谨慎使用。

3. 服用红曲米胶囊期间,应保持良好的生活习惯,合理饮食,适当运动。


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1. 稀释痰液:盐酸氨溴索能够降低痰液的粘稠度,使痰液易于咳出。其作用机制为抑制气管、支气管和细支气管壁上的腺体和杯状细胞合成酸性粘多糖蛋白,降低痰液的粘稠度和管壁附着能力。

2. 促进痰液排出:盐酸氨溴索可增强支气管黏膜纤毛运动,促进痰液随呼吸运动排出体外,从而改善通气功能和呼吸困难症状。

3. 抗炎、抗氧化:大剂量使用盐酸氨溴索可产生抗炎、抗氧化和清除体内自由基的作用,增加肺泡表面活性。

4. 预防呼吸道感染:盐酸氨溴索刺激分泌大量的表面活性物质,覆盖呼吸道上皮细胞,降低感染的危险性,并促进巨噬细胞对细菌的吞噬作用。




1. 急性、慢性呼吸系统疾病:如慢性支气管炎急性加重、喘息型支气管炎、支气管哮喘等。

2. 术后肺部并发症的预防性治疗。

3. 早产儿及新生儿婴儿呼吸窘迫综合症(IRDS)的治疗。


1. 痰液黏稠,不易咳出:盐酸氨溴索可降低痰液的粘稠度,使痰液易于咳出,缓解患者呼吸困难症状。

2. 呼吸道感染:盐酸氨溴索可增加肺泡表面活性,减少呼吸道感染的风险,同时与抗生素合用,可增强抗菌疗效。

3. 预防术后肺部并发症:术后肺部并发症是手术后的常见并发症,盐酸氨溴索可预防术后肺部并发症的发生。

4. 治疗早产儿及新生儿婴儿呼吸窘迫综合症:盐酸氨溴索可改善呼吸功能,缓解早产儿及新生儿婴儿呼吸窘迫综合症的症状。


1. 避免与中枢性镇咳药同时服用,如右美沙芬,以免痰液不易咳出。

2. 严格遵照医嘱,控制用药剂量,避免不良反应。

3. 对于其他原因导致的咳嗽和咳痰,需由医生鉴别是否需要使用盐酸氨溴索。


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1. 梧桐花泡水:将干燥的梧桐花放入杯中,用开水冲泡,可预防上火,缓解咽喉疼痛。

2. 梧桐花炒菜:将梧桐花洗净,去掉花蒂和花蕊,与蔬菜一起炒食,可增加菜肴的口感和营养价值。

3. 梧桐花煎蛋:将梧桐花洗净,去掉花蒂和花蕊,与鸡蛋、玉米淀粉、面粉等食材混合,煎至两面金黄,即可食用。


1. 女性在月经期间不宜食用梧桐花,容易导致月经不调。

2. 体质虚弱、脾胃虚寒者应慎用梧桐花。



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He swore two sentences, took off his power armor and kicked his feet a few times.

After taking off the armor, Zhao chenglong moved a body or his own body is the most used to it!
"Ha ha! Taking off the old armor will show you a real strength! "
Being a deputy commander of a base depends not only on merit and ingenuity, but also on force.
Although Zhao Chenglong can’t squeeze into the top ten in the ranking of human forces, he is the strongest among the officers at the same level.
He was not outstanding when he was young, but he was baptized by the virus when the doomsday virus broke out
Perhaps because of his physical problems, he didn’t change like his mutant, but every cloud has a silver lining gained super powers.
The muscles of the body can be controlled freely and can force a certain part.
His right fist contains an incurable ability, and the injury of the unit hit by this fist cannot be recovered.
It is also because of this that he always wears black gloves and does not easily carry out close attacks.
Zhao Chenglong first gathered his strength in his legs and jumped into the giant tree at the top of the military base with a squat jump of more than ten meters high, looking at each other face to face.
"You are the human? It doesn’t look so good either! "
Giant tree slightly narrowing her eyes some disdain to stare at Zhao Chenglong.
"Lord of all souls sounds very good. The name is just a tree that can talk big!"
Zhao Chenglong turned back without fear.
"Bitter! I am the tenth leader of the mutant forces, and your human headquarters will not compete with you as a small deputy commander? "
All souls royal Lord stared at the small Zhao Chenglong low sarcastically.
Zhao Chenglong doesn’t care that he is often looked down upon by people, but he is never at ease, but the consequences of those people are often not very good
"In this case, I will see the real move!" He gulped up his strength to drink.
In an instant, his face was trapped in the range of 20 meters in the center of his foot, and many branches of the Lord were directly broken.
"It’s really interesting, but it’s still not qualified!"
All branches of the Almighty Lord are held high and then inserted directly into the ground.
Zhao Chenglong stared at the ground and crawled constantly, calculating the escape position in his heart.
On the count of one, he jumped forward just in time to avoid all the attacks.
Lord Almighty, he will flee backwards, so he will circle all the attack areas to a large area after the first attack.
Some soy sauce players are eating melons and watching the fight. Who wants to shoot them alive with a tree trunk?
After Zhao Chenglong struggled to escape, he evenly distributed his arms, and then he quickly punched the body of all spirits like a sieve, with holes everywhere.
"You can hurt me like this? Dream! "
All wounds are visible to the naked eye, and all wounds are restored quickly.
"Niang skin incredibly still back to the blood! Dare to die with the old man? " Zhao Chenglong spat discontentedly. Isn’t this a bully?
"I’ve neve seen such a shameless person!"
"That’s all! Even if you are old, you can kill you! " Zhao Chenglong rolled up his sleeves and smashed a few punches.
The green light flashed through all the damage and was repaired again.
"Ya you are with me? But it happens that I specialize in bringing my own blood back for 30 years. Are you interested in trying one? "
He immediately took off his gloves and concentrated his strength on the right hand side.
When the foreplay hits the Lord, he is caught off guard.
When it wants to make life again, it finds that the roots can’t be made.
"You … what do you know about witchcraft?"
This time, the Lord Almighty is a little scared. Although its strength is tough, it can rank as the tenth leader, but this is because of its vitality.
At the end of the day, it is just a nine-level variant, and although Zhao Chenglong is a deputy commander, the level is converted to the level of variation, so the gap between the two is not very big.
"Old iron pierced the heart? Do you regret doing the right thing with me? " Zhao Chenglong a face and smiling at all souls royal master hand kept pounding its body.
All souls want to cry, but suddenly it thinks of one thing, and the whole tree becomes refreshed.
"hey! Life is strong! " Zhao Chenglong doesn’t know what the other side is thinking, but it’s only a matter of time before he is confident in his right fist.
The Lord Almighty didn’t speak, and the whole tree fell into silence.
The wind blew through the branches and made a "Hua La" sound, which had a sense of vitality.
When the battle is over, everyone will enlarge the pupil, and the pupil of blood will start to rotate counterclockwise. Suddenly, the sky is overcast with thunder and lightning.
"World Tree!"
The Lord Almighty exclaimed that a whole tree continued to swell and expand, and the roots began to spread in all directions, swimming in the sea like dragons.
[Inform the tenth leader of the mutating forces, Master Wan Ling, to use the forbidden spell secret "World Tree" to dedicate most of his life to the Creator for the chance to become the world core tree]
When the notice appeared, everyone secretly called it bad.
Even Yavin’s expression has become extremely ugly.
Li Xiangkun knows that human failure is a foregone conclusion, but he still wants to finally win a glimmer of hope.

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"Have a little confidence. Who hasn’t got any injuries for our professional players? Do you think Ronaldo survived the serious injury that year, and Real Madrid still got the World Cup? "Sun Jihai encouraged him." No matter which boss changed, he would have a ball to play. "

"I hope so!" Fowler made a cross on his chest and prayed.
Their conversation was a training episode, and he was not the only one who got these gossip. There were also others in the team, and the head coach stared sternly and whispered.
After a simple warm-up, there was a formal ball training. At this time, a luxury Rolls-Royce team came into the road outside the stadium.
Black sunglasses bodyguards take the lead in dividing the trains on both sides.
"What are you looking at? Hurry up and train!" Stuart reprimanded these boys for their poor record. He was naturally in a bad mood for the team he just took over, and the pressure on his shoulders was still great.
All the players bowed their heads and continued to train as the head coach, but he looked at the team and saw two men and two women, accompanied by the chairman of the board of directors, coming towards the stadium.
"Stuart, let these children pause for a while. I have something important to announce!" Hughes, the chairman of the chubby club, shouted to him
"Mr. Chairman, is it because of my poor performance?" Stewart’s heart is tight. He now thinks it’s not a question of whether he can change his boss or not, but whether he can keep a million pounds annual salary, which is several times more than that of the youth training coach.
"No, no, no," Hughes said, and Kung Fu came to him. "I want to introduce the new owner of the club to you."
New boss? When I heard this, everyone stopped running.
Sun Jihai also leaned in and took a look. Although the sun was dazzling, he still saw the familiar face smiling at him.
It’s that rich man Chen Bo! Did he buy Manchester City? Think of this time, my heart is hot, after all, I am a fellow villager and I have some friendship. Wouldn’t he have more opportunities in the future?
"Boss Sun Xin is really an Asian, but I don’t know if he is Japanese or Korean," Fowler poked him.
"You are wrong. He is Chinese like me. You don’t know him? Ant search creates people! " Sun Jihai little wake him up.
"Oh oh! It’s all because you Asians look like a face. He seems to be friends with Abu, so it’s definitely not bad money. "Fowler looked at there with some envy, but he felt a little uncomfortable.
Nearly three first-team players were greeted by the head coach. Although they didn’t line up in order of height, they straightened their chests and wanted to leave a good impression on the new boss.
"Children, our club will have a new chapter in the exhibition from today. The Asian consortium has completed the 1% acquisition of the club, so I will introduce several shareholders to you."
Mr. Chen Bo from Huaxia is a model of outstanding young people. The former chairman of the board of directors of Ant Technology is also a partner of FIFA and UEFA. He is no stranger to football.
"The vice chairman of Abu Dhabi Investment Bureau, King Mansour of the United Arab Emirates, is also a talented young man who attracts worldwide attention."
"Princess Haya of Jordan is a member of the International Olympic Committee …"
"Miss Lee Yun-hee of South Korea …"
The circle is getting shorter and shorter except for the major shareholders who focus on introducing others, but they are not satisfied with these small details.
"Hello everyone, I correct what President Hughes just said. Ant Technology has been renamed Orange Technology. My girlfriend Li Yunxi is not Korean but American." Chen Bo smiled and said to everyone, "A fan is very happy to have the opportunity to invest in such a successful football club. This is my honor."
In front of the players, they have to give a high hand and listen to the key points.
"Although Abramovich and I are friends, I am not different from him. First of all, I am not a quick buck. I will not deny all the changes in the team formation because of the team’s current achievements. Besides, Stewart took over halfway. These are all needs to adapt. Playing football here is the top player on the planet. I believe that I can definitely get out of these haze and usher in our era."
Chen Bo’s remarks are really a polite remark. Did you scold them as soon as they arrived? Then you wait for the demotion at the end of the season.
A stable environment is that the team plays a key role in the summer transfer window, and it is no longer possible to buy and sell people. At least, it depends on these players until after Christmas and the big adjustment will have to wait until the summer of 2008.
Compliment words to him. These players are still very recognized. Although they are not top stars, they also have dignity. Not everyone wants to hear more compliments instead of scolding them. More hands are sent spontaneously.
"Your responsibility is to win, win and then win. The responsibility of the club is to break the opponent’s goal through unremitting efforts. It is your best guarantee to transport ammunition. I have invited medical experts from Belgium to set up a sports medical laboratory belonging to our club. After your training, you will conduct an orientation check."
"In addition, there will be a professional data analysis team that will establish a phase data model for your future training competition and more data support for the head coach’s tactical decision."
Chen Bo has no money to spend because the transfer window is closed, but he knows the importance of science and technology to modern sports.
Professional athletes suffer from frequent injuries and Manchester City Club is not big. After all, the perennial relegation team is poor, and it is even more impossible to equip with good medical resources. Belgian sports medicine is a well-known place in Europe, and their team will be more powerful if they spend a lot of money.
Others spend money to buy players, but I have to play some new tricks, and all kinds of training and competition data are even more important.
OPA company specializes in data acquisition and purchase, but Chen Bo feels that it is not enough. It is necessary to have its own training system to better grasp and analyze the current players’ physical condition.
This is equivalent to using them as mice for experiments and some analyzable models of wearable smart devices in the future.
In the future, football is bound to be a perfect combination of human science and technology, and it is too harmful to the body to rely solely on personal physical fitness to fight hard.
Of course, the players are active fans. A boss who knows how to cherish his employees is a good boss, and they can have a more sense of identity with the team.
Of course, Mansour’s two shareholders also have to make a statement, but most of them are high-sounding words. When the local tyrant said that he wanted all players to increase the winning bonus, he was interrupted by Chen Boshi.
This is different from the national team competition. How much you like to add is your own business. In the European League, the foundation is not allowed to give rewards outside the contract because it violates the principle of fairness. These are all set before the season.
Although these players may be very few in the team next season, Chen Bo still has to come up with something to encourage them one by one.
"Cole, I see your ball grow up. Come on for the weekend game."
Fowler pays more attention to injuries. You are the most valuable asset of the club.
"The sea old friends! Talent is not diligent enough to join the stadium, don’t lose your Chinese face! "
So many things, half of them can be called by name, although he is not familiar with them, they all say hello one by one.
"I heard that Manchester United base is beyond the Woods?" Chen Bo front twist a head to Hughes asked again
"Yes, it’s them."
"Will it hit Ferguson’s head if I kick the ball?" Chen Bo asked with evil interest.
"Well … I don’t know." Hughes looked embarrassed. You’re not going to start a conflict between the two clubs when you first came here, are you? Although there are two rivals in the same city, one south and one north, his city is really not a pair of enemies compared with Manchester City and Manchester United. Both sides are friendly.
"I psychologically support you to kick it!" Mansour aside input way
"Fuck you, I’ll kick your face!" Chen Bo gave him a contemptuous look every other time, or he made less trouble and kept a low profile! Keep a low profile
The group then went to the office of Manchester City Club to attend the media meeting. He was not interviewed on occasions. At this time, he always showed his face. The team needed media publicity and team materials. How to create stars and expand commercial value?
Chapter 59 Crying Poor
"Boss, am I not late?"
Just before arriving at the office building of Manchester City Club, I felt that I was in the dark and met Julio, who was happy and did not think about it.
"Don’t call me the boss, but the chairman of this club should pay attention to his words, especially outside." Chen Bo didn’t good the spirit to let Julio be the chairman of the club after consulting Mansour. As a result, they didn’t personally manage it. Secondly, the chairman is a virtual job, mainly to deal with the media, then to fart in the Premier League and communicate with the fans to organize small leaders for emotional decoration.
The position of president of the club has been dug up. Bird, the director in charge of the football industry of Nike, is no stranger to the sports club. More importantly, he can fully benefit the influence of the team to increase business income.
The two behind-the-scenes bosses, Chen Bo and Mansour, bought the club for a simpler purpose. One is to advertise through the living signboard of football. The industry can be stitched and grafted in the past. The other is to enhance Abu Dhabi’s international influence. It would be embarrassing to have money and not be famous, otherwise it would be boring to be regarded as a Saudi dog or a king in Dubai.
"I’m not the kind of villain who forgets profit and righteousness." Julio can drag the text.
"But after you meet the British tender model, you can choose whatever you want. Pay attention to me. Rabbits don’t eat grass beside their nests. I don’t mind sleeping with female fans and reporters in football baby."
"Why didn’t I think of that? Thank you for taking care of this job. I have to do it without salary!"
"… after all, I’ll give you a pound for my efforts," Chen Bo said. "Don’t lose the Wharton name, let alone embarrass me. Watch your step later!"
"Something" Julio a wink.
Football is a mass sport in Europe, but it is fanatical in South America. Almost no one does not love it.
Although Peru is not a football power compared with Brazil and Argentina, it has been exposed since childhood. Of course, Chen Bo will not find someone who knows nothing to be the chairman of this club.
Follow the crowd and walk into the special media room. There are already more than a dozen media reporters waiting.
Without further ado, Hughes, the old chairman, announced on the spot that the two bosses had bought Manchester City Football Club for 75 pounds and that others would leave the club, and then introduced them one by one.
The camera lens hasn’t stopped since they came in. This combination is also quite strange.
Although the two shareholders belong to Asia, they are from different cultures. The new chairman is from South America, and the president is an American. It is really necessary to manage a British club as internationalized as possible.
"If you have anything to ask, just tell me directly." Chen Bo naturally knows the reporter’s routine very well, saying that no matter how much, he may not be able to listen. It is better to ask questions directly than you. This time, he appeared in the media spotlight again after a lapse of six months or so.
"Mr. Chen, everyone knows that you are engaged in the Internet industry. What prompted you to buy a football club across banks? Does this mean that you have quit from Ant Technology? " Interviewers are well prepared and the problems are sharp.
"I’m a fan. It’s a football club. It’s that simple."
"Why didn’t you compete with the Glazers for Manchester United?"
"Too expensive and no money!"
"You and Abra Simovic are good friends. Will you buy players like him?"
"I’m not as rich as he is."
"Which stars do you like best?"
"Pirlo Ronkaka"
"Are these people already on your shopping list?"

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It is Zhan Nianbei who is now in the capital of country A, even if he quietly brings some people into the country, it is always inconvenient to do things, so it is really necessary to find out who is behind the scenes.

Qin Xiaobao asked, "Then why don’t you find out those people?"
Zhan Nianbei put a pistol on Qin Xiaobao’s hand and patiently explained, "Because the time is not yet ripe, because the person we are waiting for has not yet appeared."
It is inconvenient for people to move because of the war in the north, but Nanzhai has transferred a group of people to assign him the bait, and they all have to wait now
I believe that it won’t be long before they wait for that person to sit still and naturally show the cloven foot.
Qin Xiaobao was impatient. "How long will it take?"
After thinking about it for a while, "Well, it’s almost the same when Nan Zhai comes back from a visit abroad."
Qin Xiaobao said again, "You didn’t lie to me?"
Zhan Nianbei "You are so clever, can I fool you?"
Qin Xiaobao smiled, "Well, you can still talk."
Zhannian North caressed her head. "Be good and play with Xiao Li. I have to be busy. When I’m busy, I’ll go out for lunch together."
Qin Xiaobao nodded "good"
Watching the parents quietly skimming the pie mouth from the end of the whole holy war.
His stupid mother really didn’t hear that dad didn’t really praise her for her cleverness, but treated her as a child.
However, a woman who is so stupid still thinks she is smart or has a lot to do with her man.
Women’s worries about being spoiled by men will become more and more naive
Qin Yue’s efficiency is really not good.
However, in just half a day, the headlines of the major websites in Linhai City of Country A were all with a girl named "Little Vinegar altar".
It was revealed that according to endless statistics, an earthquake occurred in Longjian area two months ago, and the girl who became a secret donated tens of millions of materials to the disaster area.
Section 514
Not only that, she personally went to the front line to participate in the rescue and disaster relief, and then went to participate in the reconstruction work in the disaster area and worked as a volunteer teacher for one month.
The news that appeared on the internet before was some written descriptions, but there was no evidence of these real hammers.
Until a netizen pulled out a photographer and sent photos two months ago.
The people who took the photos before sent these photos, but because the small vinegar altar was not popular, she was noticed by few people.
Now, as soon as this news came, powerful netizens stripped out the photos sent by others before.
Once these photos are pulled out, it’s like a stone hitting a thousand waves.
[The most beautiful face in Longjian disaster area] This hot topic quickly fermented in the network, and the number of people participating in the discussion increased and quickly occupied the headlines of major networks.
User a left a message [it really is beautiful and beautiful]
Netizen B left a message [Do a good deed without leaving a name. If it weren’t for being picked out by netizens, we wouldn’t know that we ordinary people are hiding our rescue heroes]
Chapter 91 Mystery Man, please welcome (1)
Because Qin Yue arranged for someone to guide the message in the network, the hot message in [the most beautiful face in Longjian disaster area] was almost applauded.
Qin Leran’s first appearance in front of the nationals of country A can be said to be perfect, and it can be regarded as achieving the desired effect of Qin Yue.
Qin Leran was not very happy to see his beautiful and kind image appear in the eyes of the people of country A.
Because she knows very well that her topic can cause such a big wave on the internet, it must be her father who is behind it.
The wind direction of online speech is also easy to change, and it may be reversed in a second or a moment of praise.
Qin Leran knows that her father loves her by doing this, and his ability will never make this matter reverse, but she really doesn’t want to rely on him for everything. She really wants to handle this matter alone.
After all, if one day she becomes the wife of the national president of country A and her father can’t do everything for her, she always has to do it herself.
Ding Rinrin-
There was a cell phone ringing, and Qin Leran, who was meditating, was so scared that he immediately sat up straight and reached for his cell phone.
It was Lin Xiaoxiao.
Qin Leran answered "Little"
Lin Xiao’s novel "Leran, I’ll pick you up at your house and go to join my friend. Come and I’ll wait for you."
Qin Leran nodded "OK, wait for me for a while"
Lin Xiaoxiao is Qin Leran’s classmate and friend, and also the longest and best friend she has known in country A except her fierce brother.
With Lin Xiaoxiao, Qin Leran has always been more casual, and his personality is what he is, and he never hides his true nature.
Qin Leran is very comfortable with Lin Xiaoxiao, so she is very willing to play with Lin Xiaoxiao, although that girl is a fool.