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1. 清热解毒:丝瓜苗性凉,具有清热解毒的功效。常食丝瓜苗可以清除体内热毒,对于热病、口渴、咳嗽等症状有一定的缓解作用。

2. 利尿消肿:丝瓜苗有利尿消肿的作用,对于水肿、小便不利等症状有很好的辅助治疗作用。

3. 活血通经:丝瓜苗具有活血通经的功效,对于月经不调、痛经等症状有一定的缓解作用。

4. 美容养颜:丝瓜苗富含维生素C和抗氧化剂,有助于保护皮肤免受自由基的损伤,减少皮肤老化和皱纹的形成。同时,丝瓜苗还具有保湿和舒缓皮肤的作用,可以改善肌肤的光滑度和弹性。


1. 烹饪应用:丝瓜苗可以凉拌、炒菜或煮汤。凉拌丝瓜苗清脆可口,炒菜则更具风味。此外,丝瓜苗还可以与其他蔬菜搭配,制作出美味佳肴。

2. 药用应用:丝瓜苗具有清热解毒、利尿消肿、活血通经等功效,可以用于治疗热病、口渴、咳嗽、水肿、月经不调等症状。此外,丝瓜苗还可以外用,如用于治疗皮肤瘙痒、疮疡等。

3. 养殖应用:丝瓜苗可以作为家禽、家畜的饲料。丝瓜苗富含营养成分,可以提高家禽、家畜的生长速度和免疫力。

4. 园艺应用:丝瓜苗可以用来装饰庭院。丝瓜苗生长迅速,具有较高的观赏价值。


1. 丝瓜苗性凉,脾胃虚寒、腹泻者不宜过多食用。

2. 丝瓜苗不宜生吃,需煮熟后食用。

3. 丝瓜苗不宜与牛奶、豆浆等乳制品同食。


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1. 活血化瘀:红花具有活血化瘀的功效,能够促进血液循环,消除体内瘀血。对于因瘀血引起的疼痛、肿块、肿胀等症状,红花均有显著的缓解作用。

2. 通经止痛:红花具有通经止痛的作用,对于痛经、产后瘀血腹痛、癥瘕积聚等疾病有较好的治疗效果。

3. 抗炎消肿:红花具有抗炎消肿的功效,对于痈肿、跌打损伤等疾病有良好的治疗效果。

4. 抗癌:红花中的某些成分具有抗癌作用,能够抑制肿瘤细胞的生长和扩散。

5. 调经:红花对于闭经、难产、死胎、产后恶露不行等妇科疾病有较好的治疗作用。

6. 抗血栓:红花具有抑制血小板聚集、增加纤维蛋白溶酶活性的作用,能够预防血栓形成。

7. 降低血脂:红花种子油中含有较高的亚油酸,具有降低血脂、降低血清胆固醇、防止动脉粥样硬化的作用。

8. 兴奋心脏:红花具有轻度兴奋心脏、降低冠脉阻力、增加冠脉流量和心肌营养性血流量的作用。


1. 痛经:红花泡水喝或外敷,可有效缓解痛经症状。

2. 产后瘀血腹痛:红花泡水喝或外敷,可促进产后瘀血排出,缓解腹痛。

3. 跌打损伤:红花泡水喝或外敷,可活血化瘀,消肿止痛。

4. 静脉曲张:红花泡脚,可疏通静脉血管,减轻静脉血管压力,辅助治疗静脉曲张。

5. 肝炎、脂肪肝:红花泡水喝,可利胆、降血脂、抗炎,改善肝脏功能。

6. 心肌缺血、心绞痛:红花泡水喝,可兴奋心脏、降低冠脉阻力,改善心肌供血。

7. 抗癌:红花泡水喝,可抑制肿瘤细胞生长,预防癌症。


1. 红花性味辛温,脾胃虚寒者不宜使用。

2. 月经期间、孕妇禁用红花。

3. 出血性疾病患者禁用红花。

4. 红花泡水喝或外敷时,请根据个人体质和病情适量使用。


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1. 胶原蛋白:猪皮中的胶原蛋白是皮肤、骨骼、筋腱等组织的重要组成部分,具有促进皮肤细胞吸收和贮存水分、防止皮肤干瘪起皱、增强皮肤弹性和韧性、延缓皱纹出现等作用。

2. 弹性蛋白:弹性蛋白有助于保持皮肤弹性,使皮肤更加紧致。

3. 维生素A:维生素A对维持皮肤健康、促进生长发育、增强免疫力等具有重要作用。

4. 维生素B2:维生素B2有助于维持皮肤、口腔、眼睛等部位的正常功能。

5. 钙、磷、铁:这些矿物质对骨骼健康、预防贫血等具有重要作用。


1. 美容养颜:猪皮中的胶原蛋白和弹性蛋白有助于保持皮肤弹性和光泽,减少皱纹,延缓衰老。

2. 滋阴补虚:猪皮具有滋阴补肾、清热利咽的功效,对于咽喉肿痛、阴虚内热等症状有很好的食疗作用。

3. 补益精血:猪皮适合妇女血虚、贫血、月经不调等人群食用,具有和血脉、润肌肤的功效。

4. 活血止血:猪皮中的胶原蛋白有助于促进血液循环,具有活血止血的作用。

5. 改善视力:猪皮中的维生素A有助于改善视力,预防夜盲症。


1. 烹饪:猪皮可以加工成皮花肉、皮冻、火腿等肉制品,口感好,营养价值高。

2. 药用:猪皮可入药,具有滋阴补虚、清热利咽、活血止血等功效。

3. 皮革加工:猪皮可以加工成皮革,具有透气透水汽性能好、强度大等特点。

4. 阿胶替代品:猪皮可以加工煎炼成动物胶,作为阿胶的替代品。


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1. 准备新鲜山楂若干,洗净后去核;
2. 将山楂放入干净的玻璃瓶中;
3. 将米醋倒入玻璃瓶中,确保醋的量能完全覆盖山楂;
4. 密封瓶口,放置阴凉处,浸泡15-20天;
5. 浸泡期间,每隔3-5天摇晃瓶子,使山楂与醋充分接触;
6. 浸泡完成后,捞出山楂,即可食用。


1. 消除疲劳:山楂醋泡中含有丰富的果酸和维生素,能够加速人体代谢,消除因长时间劳动和剧烈运动而产生的乳酸,缓解疲劳。

2. 降低胆固醇:山楂醋泡具有降低胆固醇的作用。研究表明,心血管病患者每天服用20毫升山楂果醋,6个月后胆固醇平均降低9.5%,中性脂肪减少11.3%,血液黏度亦有所下降。

3. 促进血液循环:山楂醋泡中含有可促进心血管扩张、冠状动脉血流量增加、产生降压效果的三萜类物质和黄酮成分,对高血压、高血脂、脑血栓、动脉硬化等多种疾病有防治作用。

4. 开胃消食:山楂醋泡中的酸性物质可溶解食物中的营养物质,促进人体对食物中钙、磷等营养物质的吸收。同时,其挥发性有机酸和氨基酸等可刺激大脑的食欲中枢,促进消化液的分泌,提高胃液浓度,从而生津止渴,健胃消食,增进食欲。

5. 解酒保肝:饮酒前后饮用山楂醋泡,可使酒精在体内分解代谢速度加快,减轻肝脏负担,保护肝脏健康。

6. 抗菌消炎:山楂醋泡具有抗菌消炎的作用,有助于防治感冒等疾病。

7. 防癌抗癌:山楂醋泡中的多种生物活性物质具有防癌抗癌作用,有助于降低癌症的发生率。

8. 增强免疫力:山楂醋泡中的多种维生素和矿物质能够增强人体免疫力,提高抵抗力。

9. 美容养颜:山楂醋泡中的抗氧化成分有助于清除体内自由基,延缓衰老,使皮肤光洁细嫩,皱纹减少,容颜滋润洁白。

10. 减肥:经常食用山楂醋泡,有助于减肥,降低体重。


1. 山楂醋泡虽好,但不宜过量食用,以免引起不适。

2. 山楂醋泡对脾胃虚弱、月经量多的人群以及孕妇、经期妇女等不适宜人群应谨慎食用。


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1. 增强免疫力:保健品中的有效成分可以增强人体免疫力,提高抵抗力,预防感冒等疾病。

2. 抗氧化:抗氧化保健品可以清除体内的自由基,延缓衰老,保持年轻活力。

3. 调节血压、血脂、血糖:针对高血压、高血脂、高血糖等慢性病患者,保健品可以帮助调节这些指标,改善病情。

4. 促进消化、改善肠胃功能:保健品中的益生菌、膳食纤维等成分可以改善肠胃环境,促进消化吸收。

5. 改善睡眠:保健品中的安神成分可以缓解失眠、多梦等症状,改善睡眠质量。

6. 抗疲劳、缓解体力疲劳:保健品中的营养成分可以补充体力,缓解疲劳,提高工作效率。

7. 改善皮肤状况:保健品中的抗氧化、保湿等成分可以改善皮肤状况,使皮肤更加光滑、有弹性。

8. 增强骨密度、预防骨质疏松:保健品中的钙、维生素D等成分可以帮助增强骨密度,预防骨质疏松。

9. 促进生长发育:保健品中的蛋白质、氨基酸等成分可以促进儿童和青少年的生长发育。

10. 改善记忆、提高认知能力:保健品中的脑营养素可以改善记忆,提高认知能力。


1. 免疫力低下者:如老年人、孕妇、手术后患者等。

2. 慢性病患者:如高血压、高血脂、高血糖、心脑血管疾病等患者。

3. 营养不良者:如体重过轻、偏食、挑食等人群。

4. 精神压力大、工作繁忙者:保健品可以帮助缓解压力,提高工作效率。

5. 皮肤状况不佳者:如皮肤干燥、粗糙、暗沉等人群。

6. 需要改善睡眠质量者:如失眠、多梦、睡眠质量差等人群。

7. 运动员、健身爱好者:保健品可以帮助补充能量,提高运动表现。

8. 儿童和青少年:保健品可以帮助他们健康成长,增强体质。


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1. 碱性植物蛋白:黎麦米中含有丰富的碱性植物蛋白,摄入人体后可补充多种氨基酸,有利于身体健康。

2. 矿物质:黎麦米富含钙、铁、钾等矿物质,有助于平衡体内离子水平,促进消化,改善腹胀、便秘等症状。

3. 类黄酮:黎麦米中含有槲皮素和山奈酚等类黄酮物质,有助于减少自由基,降低氧化压力,保护身体。

4. 膳食纤维:黎麦米的膳食纤维含量较高,有助于促进肠道蠕动,增加饱腹感,维持肠道健康。

5. 不饱和脂肪酸:黎麦米油脂含量较低,但含有较高比例的不饱和脂肪酸,对心血管健康有益。


1. 调节血糖:黎麦米有助于改善胰岛素分泌,促进体内糖分的消耗,对预防糖尿病和改善肥胖有重要作用。

2. 降低血压、血糖、血脂:黎麦米具有降血压、血糖、血脂的功效,可用于治疗高血压、高血糖、高血脂等疾病。

3. 增强机体功能:黎麦米可以为人体补充营养,增强机体应激能力,预防疾病的发生。

4. 抗癌作用:黎麦米具有抗癌功效,有助于降低癌症风险。

5. 提高免疫力:黎麦米中的营养成分有助于提高人体免疫力,增强抗病能力。

6. 促进消化:黎麦米富含膳食纤维,有助于促进肠道蠕动,改善消化系统功能。

7. 减肥:黎麦米低热量、低脂肪,有助于减肥和控制体重。


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Chen Bo felt that his hands were like being caught in a vise, and he didn’t pull them out of his clutches, so he reluctantly said, "That classmate Shen, can you please loosen your hands first … purple!"

Shen Ma Tongxue was reluctant to let go of her plump clutches. Look at Chen Bo’s hands. There are already purple and white stripes.
"Sorry!" Shen Ma Tongxue saw Chen Bo’s hand was a little embarrassed and shy.
Chen Bo thought of Wang Hongjie’s celebrity Xiaoyue Yue at this moment …
"Well, Mr. Chen is a busy man. He won’t miss you. Just go back and wait for the notice." Xin saw that Chen Bo was embarrassed and hurriedly came out to make a circus, dragging Shen Ma Tongxue, a full face of anthomaniac, away from the scene.
I finally left, or I won’t know how to die later. Chen Bo breathed a sigh of relief and was relieved.
The recruiter is generally going well, and the enthusiastic students have submitted a stack of resumes for final screening, so they can be informed to report to the company.
Chapter 20 Destiny is in your hands
In the early morning of July 17, Chen Bo cooperated with three company managers to hang Skynet’s conspicuous badge on their chests and greet the new employees at the entrance of the office building side by side.
Every new employee will accept several handshakes, wait for everyone to arrive and then walk into the office together, which will be more ceremonial. The whole company is young and a brand-new team, so it needs some special methods to improve team cohesion.
At the same time, everyone can get involved more quickly, and they can also feel the corporate culture that distinguishes the company from the Internet.
This time, the technical department recruited six technicians, while the operation department has a relatively large number, including nine new members, one accountant and one personnel, 21 people from the whole company, and 22 people from Shengzi expatriate financial officers, which can make up a football team.
First-time sociologists used to think that the company is a class, with the boss bossing you around and making you work as a coolie, as seen in the book, the boss is an evil capitalist who never squeezes your surplus labor force.
Today, I didn’t see that kind of leader with nose facing the sky, but I was also very polite to bow and shake hands with you at the door to welcome you, which made people feel warm and intimate and couldn’t help but look forward to the bright future of the company.
The employees on one side are automatically lined up in two rows, and the employees with extroverted personality and natural selection are chatting with each other.
It’s only a few minutes before 9 o’clock. Liu Yuan checked the form in her hand and whispered, "One short."
As soon as the voice fell, I heard a roar from a distance, "Wait a minute and me!" Chen Bo looked up and saw a piece of fat, and the earth trembled with it. It was none other than Shen Ma Tongxue.
Shen Ma Tongxue ran to Chen Bo with a strong hug, which made Chen Bo grin. He finally realized what a real bear hugged this taste, and it was only when he was sour and almost vomited blood three liters on the spot that he was loosened.
Shen Ma Tongxue let Chen Bo, who was about to die, go to others and shake hands to apologize. Chen Bo stared in pain and couldn’t help laughing at Liu Yuan.
Liu Yuan’s baby face is full of koo expression, and he left the pie mouth and handed the personnel list in his hand to Chen Bo. It turned out to be Shen Ma Tongxue, the technical department, and that’s Zhang Yiming’s small recruitment. It’s really birds of a feather flock together.
All the new recruits have finally arrived.
Just at this time, a beautiful and beautiful picture came in a professional OL skirt, white shirt, short skirt, flesh-colored stockings and patent leather high heels. It was a familiar face to look at again.
"Hello, I’m in charge of the financial work, Xin Yu, and after the warmth, please take more photos."
Xin leaned slightly and bowed, ignoring Chen Bo’s confused eyes as a stranger.
What the hell with Seiji? Shouldn’t it be to find an experienced financial officer? Xin just graduated from college, so feel free to throw a little girl who has just entered the society here to take care of her purse. How big is this heart?
Mo Fei a face of flattery rushed out to hold jasmine a pair of jade hands "welcome … we are looking forward to the stars and the moon, but we are looking forward to you. I am Mo Fei, senior vice president of Skynet! Mo Fei Momo flies! "
When did Chen Bo get promoted to vice president or senior vice president for a while? At least he is also an open rich second generation, bowing and bowing, which is different from two ghosts.
So I quickly pulled Mo Fei to give her a dissatisfied look like staring at Xin when people were not paying attention, and Xin continued to pretend that Chen Bo could swallow into his stomach.
This is finally all here. Chen Bo and other management leaders pushed the door of the office building.
You are greeted by a wall with Skynet lg in the center and an orange cloud with a line of elegant fonts "Entertainment is limited to the sky". When you turn right, you will suddenly see the office hall about 5 square meters.
At present, there are only 22 people in Skynet. On average, everyone has to have 25 square meters, which is too extravagant. Therefore, a small stage of about 5 square meters is reserved in front of Chen Bo, and a large LED screen can be made on the background wall to monitor the network data flow.
There are several separate offices separated by frosted glass on one side of the wall, such as finance and personnel, which are not suitable for office work. You must have your own bills, files and so on.
There is no need for executives to set up separate offices for the time being, and it is necessary to study and grow with employees in order to boost morale. Some things that are not suitable for employees to speak in front need to be said in a small conference room.
This arrangement will not be so spacious, and each artificial position will be looser and not too crowded.
"Wow, how creative!" Bursts of exclamations
See the wall painted orange irregularly pasted with various popular network cultures such as "Yi Meier, rookie, what stuff?" Spotted bamboo, bamboo-leaf dinosaur, frog patting bricks, irrigation "are new words in the network.
There are special digital languages mixed with numbers such as "5555, 526, 9494, 6" to express crying, I’m hungry, yes, goodbye, etc.
And "_,,! ",) and-)" these emoji express happiness, surprise, approval and smile.
There is also a classic online hot sentence, "If it is a mistake to have money, I would rather make one mistake and steal another. The idea of stealing a lot of people is plagiarism, and the idea of stealing a lot of people is to study the waves behind the Yangtze River, and the waves before it kill the beach."
This is a wall of online messages. Being familiar with online culture has narrowed the distance between them, and these young people like it here as soon as they are familiar with it, and the whole thing is warm and orange, which gives people the feeling that there is a flame in their hearts at all times.
After their brief visit, Chen Bo gave his first speech to everyone on the small stage.
"First of all, it is a great honor to be colleagues with you, and we will fight together in the future. Everyone will have the opportunity to become Bai Gujing and Bai Gujing in the Internet industry. Of course, it means white collar+backbone+elite."
Bai Gujing explained that everyone felt very coke.
"You have seen this wall of network culture," Chen Bo pointed to the creative wall that just made them exclaim. "Your job is to create network culture, and this is what Skynet has to do, that is, to lead the internet trend and the social trend. Each of you is a trendsetter in this tide."
"The average age of the company is less than 24 years old. Although we don’t have rich work experience and life experience, we have the unique passion of young people. We have the imagination of young people to throw away your school lessons and your imagination to build our future."

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"You two know that there is little contradiction between Wu Hao and Heaven!" Zhang Zhipeng asked hook and nodded at six o’clock to show white.

"So when Wu Haotian said that he would teach someone a lesson, I guessed that it was a lack of days. I wanted to sound out his tune, but I didn’t expect it to be a lack of days. Let him come out immediately!"
"Turns out to be so I also puma elder brother you …"
Hook soon dialed the words to Lin Tianxiao, but no one answered. It was probably in the game, but at this time, Zhang Zhipeng saw a person who was Lin Tianxiao’s little girlfriend.
"Hello, you must be Zhou Xiaofu!" Zhang Zhipeng walked up to Zhou Xiaofu and asked Zhou Xiaofu and Yang Qianqian just came out for lunch break to get something to eat.
"And you are? Hey? " Zhou Xiaofu has seen a tentative question from all the impressions of Zhang Zhipeng.
Zhang Zhipeng immediately laughed. "Yes, yes, you remember me!"
Zhou Xiaofu’s face is red and light. "Who is your sister-in-law!"
"Of course it’s you. God, it’s our boss. Of course you’re my sister-in-law!"
When I heard Zhang Zhipeng’s words, not only Zhou Xiaofu but also Yang Qianqian showed a pair of anger. When Zhang Zhipeng saw his heart complaining, he immediately explained, "It’s Lin Tianxie. The three of us call him Tian Shao!"
"Hum, the name changed after it was bad!"
"After the grace, it is called less evil!"
Zhou Xiaofu and Yang Qianqian sprayed evil at the same time. This is not as good as the day.
"What can I do for you?" Zhou Xiaofu immediately changed the subject and no longer called entanglement.
"I’m looking for a day … I have something urgent. Can you ask him to contact me? He has my number!" Zhang Zhipeng said.
It’s really urgent to see Zhang Zhipeng. Zhou Xiaofu said, "Well, I guess he’ll be in the game. I’ll call home!"
So Zhou Xiaofu called Ange and asked Ange to find Lin Tianxie!
Lin Tianxiao is tasting the barbecue of Rainbow Magic Pig Guard at this time, not to mention that the attribute is still very good. The defense magic royal armor is very high, but the attack is physical and the duration of the attack is constantly 3 seconds.
Just then, Lin Tianxiao chewed the second piece of rainbow magic pig Wei barbecue and was upset by a series of sounds. Someone called him in reality.
When I quit the game, I saw Ange and asked, "Ange, what is it?"
Ange took out the words and gave them to Lin Tian’s heterodox. "It’s MISS ZHOU dialect!"
Of course, the wife’s adult words must be answered, and the unhappiness in her heart will disappear immediately. As a result, Ange asked, "Does the wife have orders?"
"Brother Xiaotian is in a hurry to find you, please wait!"
Zhou Xiaofu gave the words to Zhang Zhipeng, Zhang Zhipeng, and immediately said, "Hello, evil!"
"Poof, what did you call me?"
"That sister-in-law asked me to call you that!"
"Oh, well, what’s so urgent? Tell me!"
"So Wu Haotian came to me to deal with you …"
Wu Haotian?’
"For Wu Haotian …"
Later, Zhang Zhipeng told Lin Tianxiao that Wu Haotian was looking for himself. Lin Tianxiao was silent for a while. Only then did he say with a smile, "OK, you can make money and what not. You can directly contact him and tell him that it can be done. Just the day after tomorrow, I have a compulsory course to go to school. Just set the time at that time, but don’t miss it. Let him give you a regular time. It’s also the day after tomorrow!"
"I know!"
So an anti-conspiracy’ pit sky’ plan came into being!
Chapter 226 Purgatory cloister
Later in the game, Lin Tianxiao once again entered the magic valley and disappeared all the way to the bully hall. Liu Heng and the goblin went to train. They were waiting for the advanced map to appear, and Lin Tianxiao had given them the coordinates of the jungle plain so that they would do it. That was their business.
The bully hall is now covered with players. Many people are killing monsters, especially Xiaobaiyi. Everyone is gathered together. Of course, it is their luck to know who the explosion is.
Smiling, Lin Tianxie rushed directly to the first floor, crossed the corridor of the underworld and entered the crosswalk. Until a place called the Hall of the Demon Soul, the number of players decreased, but Lin Tianxie did not stay here and still rushed into the first floor.
Corridors of purgatory!
Lin Tianxiao has entered a place called Purgatory Cloister, where two or three players are all immortals, and only immortals can enter here. Because immortals can be invisible, although thieves also have invisibility, immortals can be used anytime and anywhere, but there are too many monsters here.
Looking at a left, a right, two big dogs and two small skeletons, Lin Tianxie summoned his two big dogs and two skeleton generals at once, which attracted the attention of the two players.
"I am the first person!" Suddenly, a famous player blurted out that he could recognize Lin Tianxie because of Lin Tianxie’s unique logo, Ghost Dragon Small Four and Two Dogs and Two Skeleton Generals. Although Ghost Dragon Small Four did not appear, another logo appeared in the game to have two dogs and two skeleton generals, and Lin Tianxie himself.

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Granger put down his mobile phone, glanced at Li Cheng, who seemed to be listening to the teacher carefully, and teased, "Li, the coach hasn’t come in yet! Why are you sitting so well? "

Li Cheng smiled awkwardly and said, "I was a little nervous today."
"Ha ha! You used to look like you didn’t wake up before every game. How can you change your sex today? " Although Granger was teasing, he was genuinely happy. There are many differences between Li Cheng and Interception, but since they met, they have become good friends.
Granger grew up in a slum, but he was completely insulated from the dark side of the slum, thanks to his father.
Granger once said, "If I don’t get home before dinner one day, my father will kill me for no good reason."
His strict father made Granger different from many slum children, and he never bullied new people in the team. This is why Li Cheng will choose to make friends with Granger.
In addition, both Li Cheng and Granger belong to people who put their friends first. These are the reasons why they have a very good relationship.
Li cheng left the pie mouth and said nothing. He was a little nervous and a little excited. Tonight, he will seize every second to play and get himself out of the dark corner of the "water dispenser keeper". Therefore, tonight’s game is as important as the finals for Li Cheng. It can be said that all the games tonight are Li Cheng’s finals.
Besides Granger, Sung Jae Lee has no other friends on the team. He sat in a chair and talked with Granger. Time passed quickly, and O ‘Brien pushed open the locker room door with a smile.
"Guys, our opponent is very strong tonight, but we still have to give our best performance to entertain our guests. This is Cances Arena, and this is our home court. " O ‘Brien made a pre-game mobilization, inspired the players and stopped talking.
He asked the players to adjust themselves in the dressing room. He was not prepared to win tonight’s game, so he didn’t make any special tactical arrangements. All tactics should be based on the usual training.
However, after O ‘Brien finished speaking, he took a special look at Li Cheng.
"Li seems to be in good shape. Consider playing more time with him tonight!" O ‘Brien secretly made a decision in his mind.
In a few minutes, a staff member came to inform them that it was time to play. At this time, O ‘Brien stepped aside, and little O ‘Neill in a suit stood up first.
Little O ‘Neill stood at the door of the dressing room, raised his right hand and shouted, "Guys, victory belongs to us!" "
"Victory belongs to us!" Everyone shouted in unison, but the voice was not morale.
This is the tradition of the pacers, but now the pacers’ record is so bad that this tradition is just a form.
Standing in the player’s lane to prepare for the appearance, Li Cheng’s heart beat a little faster, which was more nervous than when he first appeared.
The live dj began to broadcast the names of the players in turn, but most of the names he reported before did not arouse much reaction from the fans, only some symbolic applause. However, Li Cheng’s treatment today is different from that of previous people.
When Li Cheng appeared, the dj’s voice also had more excitement. He shouted: "Next, the defender from China, No.23, Li-"
The cheers at the scene were not too enthusiastic, but they also won the first prize among those substitutes.
Li Cheng ran out of the player channel with a smile on his face. Judging from the reaction of the audience, his status has risen a lot now. You know, when he appeared in the first few games, there were still some boos coming from the scene!
"That China man hit the winner on the court!"
"Yes! That shooting posture is very handsome, and I don’t know what kind of performance he will have tonight. "
"He is also handsome!"
Many viewers are talking about Li Cheng. After all, Li Cheng’s winner is a very good highlight among the pedestrians who have lost all the way recently.
And on the sidelines, there is a small group of China people. They are all overseas Chinese in Indianapolis, and Li Cheng’s winner also gave those overseas Chinese some money to watch the game on the spot.
Not soon enough, the discussion about Li Cheng was lost in the cheers generated by the appearance of the main players, especially Granger. When he appeared, the cheers from the scene seemed to shake the wall.
After all, the current walkers have fallen to the bottom, and Granger is the hope of the walkers’ rebirth.
After his debut, Li Cheng sat on the bench, but his position was much higher. Although a game can’t explain anything, it can also change something temporarily.
Ps: I recommended it last week, and it should be another chapter in the evening. Please recommend it and collect it ~ ~
Chapter 8 Everything will get better and better.
Sitting on the bench, Li Cheng has not relaxed at all. He has been waiting for his own opportunity, and he is always ready to play.
As the Pacers’ opponent in this game, Boston Celtics showed the temperament of a champion team in the first second of the game.
The big three were fierce, and their repeated bombing soon opened the score. In the audience, a few greens actually conveyed unparalleled cheers, which even overshadowed the fans of the home team.
In fact, it’s not the loudness of a small number of visiting fans, but that the home team was suppressed from the first second, which made the fans lose the mood to cheer for the team.
Mark Boyce didn’t criticize the team he supported today. He said helplessly: "The gap in strength is too big. If this is the last game of Boston this season, if they throw caution to the wind, the game can already enter garbage time."
After only six minutes of the game, Boyce asserted that if the Pacers were facing the Celtics in full swing, they could already disarm. This may be his exaggeration, but it is also an ugly portrayal of the pedestrian scene.
"Perhaps, we can learn from the experience of the Celtics’ instant resurrection in a summer. Last season, Boston was the worst team in the league. After only one summer, they have become the biggest favorite of the championship. "
O ‘Brien was on the sidelines, standing up for a while and sitting down for a while. His face was very ugly when he was fidgeting. He wasn’t prepared to win the game, but he didn’t allow his team to lose so badly. At this rate, the second half of the game can completely enter garbage time. The most important thing is that he O ‘Brien’s team made frequent low-level mistakes, so how can he fight?
"Time out, O ‘Brien finally couldn’t help it." Mark Boyce seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, and then he added, "O ‘Brien is growling. If I were him, I would have stopped it. Where did it look like an nba team was playing in the last six minutes? It’s like an amateur team! "
O ‘Brien yelled at the team that came down: "Do you still have any dignity when you are completely blasted by your opponent on both offensive and defensive ends?" Dignity, you know Even if you don’t want to win, don’t you want your dignity? Stand up, fight like a man, and crush them. "
Granger looked at O ‘Brien, awkward. O’ Brien reached out and took the tactical board handed to him by his assistant. He added, "Li will take you later and replace Deng Liwei." Then he drew on the tactical board with a pen. Li Cheng stood next to O ‘Brien, listening and watching carefully.
Granger smiled when he heard O ‘Brien’s words. Obviously, he also wanted to suggest a replacement to O ‘Brien just now.
He was very wronged just now, and the defense formed by Ray Allen and Pierce made him very uncomfortable. It would not be easy for Granger to face either of them alone, but Deng Liwei Jr. played a very limited role in containing Granger, which gave Ray Allen a chance to help defend Granger.
If the pacers can’t even open the Granger point now, they can only be suppressed by the Celtics until they die.
O ‘Brien is increasingly dissatisfied with Deng Liwei’s performance, and now Daniels is recovering, and Li Cheng, who has been re-examined by him, has naturally got the chance to play.
"Can you play so soon?" Li Cheng obviously didn’t expect to play so soon, but he was always ready to play on the bench, and now he naturally stepped onto the court with confidence.
"Dude, come on." Granger patted Li Cheng on the shoulder.
Li Cheng nodded and didn’t speak, but none of them noticed Deng Liwei’s slightly cold eyes.
O ‘Brien knew that George W. Deng Liwei was discontented, but the former simply ignored the latter’s dissatisfaction. Deng Liwei Jr., a player who can only play with the wind, is not popular with O ‘Brien. If the Pacers were not in the No.2 position, it would not be Deng Liwei’s turn to start.
Celtic players were stunned when they saw that the Pacers had replaced an China.
"Have the Indians surrendered?" This is a collective question from Celtic players. But look at the score of 7 to 19, it’s not quite like it!
This debut is the earliest in Li Cheng’s career, and this time the player he played against is the biggest one among all the players he played against. The excitement in Li Cheng’s heart can’t be concealed.
The Pacers’ attack is still around Granger, and Ray Allen is still ready to help defend this time.
In fact, it is enough for Pierce to deal with Granger alone, but this is just a very ordinary regular season. Who doesn’t want to save some energy? Especially the Celtics who are aiming at the O ‘Brien Cup.
After Granger took a sudden step, he immediately stopped and made a shot. Pierce held Granger and Ray Allen copied it directly.
Granger shook his wrist and passed the ball to Li Cheng. The Celtics’ defense changed very quickly, and Rondo jumped on Li Cheng.
The Celtics’ defense has always been like this before, and they have achieved great success.
Deng Liwei Jr.’ s mentality when playing with the wind is completely different from that when playing against the wind. When the team is against the wind, Deng Liwei Jr.’ s first choice is to pass the ball as long as it is guarded.
Seeing that Rondo was defending himself, Ray Allen didn’t want to come back at all. Sung Jae Lee made the decision to play Rondo alone at the first time.
The height difference makes Li Cheng make the shooting action easily after dribbling and shaking, with his body leaning back slightly and his wrist deftly throwing the ball.
Li Cheng is 1.98 meters tall and Rondo is 1.85 meters tall. Such a huge height gap makes Rondo unable to stop Li Cheng’s shooting. In particular, Li Cheng chose the back jumper.
In an instant, cheers broke out at the scene. The goal was scored immediately after the suspension of substitution, which also made the fans excited once. After all, this shows that the suspension is useful and the team may recover its disadvantage.
"Good shot! O ‘Brien made the right decision to replace Lee. Little Deng Liwei is not suitable for playing against the wind at all. " Mark Boyce said: "If Daniels is not suitable for the team’s style of play, it is impossible for Deng Liwei Jr. to occupy the starting position."
The Green Shirts scored a shot in the attack by Pierce. Pierce, who is known as the attacking kaleidoscope, is definitely one of the top players in the league.
"Brothers, hold on." Granger shouted, and then began to look for opportunities in the Celtics’ dense defense.
Li Cheng’s running position is also very active, and he is also looking for opportunities.
Suddenly, Li Cheng found the loophole behind Pierce, and he ran past in a flash.
Tinsley leaned to the right and slammed the ball to the floor with his right hand. He passed the ball with a touchdown and found Li Cheng.