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1. 稀释痰液:盐酸氨溴索能够降低痰液的粘稠度,使痰液易于咳出。其作用机制为抑制气管、支气管和细支气管壁上的腺体和杯状细胞合成酸性粘多糖蛋白,降低痰液的粘稠度和管壁附着能力。

2. 促进痰液排出:盐酸氨溴索可增强支气管黏膜纤毛运动,促进痰液随呼吸运动排出体外,从而改善通气功能和呼吸困难症状。

3. 抗炎、抗氧化:大剂量使用盐酸氨溴索可产生抗炎、抗氧化和清除体内自由基的作用,增加肺泡表面活性。

4. 预防呼吸道感染:盐酸氨溴索刺激分泌大量的表面活性物质,覆盖呼吸道上皮细胞,降低感染的危险性,并促进巨噬细胞对细菌的吞噬作用。




1. 急性、慢性呼吸系统疾病:如慢性支气管炎急性加重、喘息型支气管炎、支气管哮喘等。

2. 术后肺部并发症的预防性治疗。

3. 早产儿及新生儿婴儿呼吸窘迫综合症(IRDS)的治疗。


1. 痰液黏稠,不易咳出:盐酸氨溴索可降低痰液的粘稠度,使痰液易于咳出,缓解患者呼吸困难症状。

2. 呼吸道感染:盐酸氨溴索可增加肺泡表面活性,减少呼吸道感染的风险,同时与抗生素合用,可增强抗菌疗效。

3. 预防术后肺部并发症:术后肺部并发症是手术后的常见并发症,盐酸氨溴索可预防术后肺部并发症的发生。

4. 治疗早产儿及新生儿婴儿呼吸窘迫综合症:盐酸氨溴索可改善呼吸功能,缓解早产儿及新生儿婴儿呼吸窘迫综合症的症状。


1. 避免与中枢性镇咳药同时服用,如右美沙芬,以免痰液不易咳出。

2. 严格遵照医嘱,控制用药剂量,避免不良反应。

3. 对于其他原因导致的咳嗽和咳痰,需由医生鉴别是否需要使用盐酸氨溴索。


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1. 增强免疫力:保健品中的有效成分可以增强人体免疫力,提高抵抗力,预防感冒等疾病。

2. 抗氧化:抗氧化保健品可以清除体内的自由基,延缓衰老,保持年轻活力。

3. 调节血压、血脂、血糖:针对高血压、高血脂、高血糖等慢性病患者,保健品可以帮助调节这些指标,改善病情。

4. 促进消化、改善肠胃功能:保健品中的益生菌、膳食纤维等成分可以改善肠胃环境,促进消化吸收。

5. 改善睡眠:保健品中的安神成分可以缓解失眠、多梦等症状,改善睡眠质量。

6. 抗疲劳、缓解体力疲劳:保健品中的营养成分可以补充体力,缓解疲劳,提高工作效率。

7. 改善皮肤状况:保健品中的抗氧化、保湿等成分可以改善皮肤状况,使皮肤更加光滑、有弹性。

8. 增强骨密度、预防骨质疏松:保健品中的钙、维生素D等成分可以帮助增强骨密度,预防骨质疏松。

9. 促进生长发育:保健品中的蛋白质、氨基酸等成分可以促进儿童和青少年的生长发育。

10. 改善记忆、提高认知能力:保健品中的脑营养素可以改善记忆,提高认知能力。


1. 免疫力低下者:如老年人、孕妇、手术后患者等。

2. 慢性病患者:如高血压、高血脂、高血糖、心脑血管疾病等患者。

3. 营养不良者:如体重过轻、偏食、挑食等人群。

4. 精神压力大、工作繁忙者:保健品可以帮助缓解压力,提高工作效率。

5. 皮肤状况不佳者:如皮肤干燥、粗糙、暗沉等人群。

6. 需要改善睡眠质量者:如失眠、多梦、睡眠质量差等人群。

7. 运动员、健身爱好者:保健品可以帮助补充能量,提高运动表现。

8. 儿童和青少年:保健品可以帮助他们健康成长,增强体质。


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1. 成分








2. 作用






1. 疗效显著:龙角散在治疗咳嗽、咽喉不适、感冒等方面具有显著的疗效,深受患者喜爱。

2. 安全性高:龙角散由天然中草药组成,副作用较小,安全性较高。

3. 服用方便:龙角散为粉末状制剂,可直接用水送服,服用方便。


1. 服药期间忌烟酒、辛辣、油腻食物。

2. 龙角散不适用于三个月以下的幼儿、糖尿病患者。

3. 服用龙角散后若出现不良反应,应及时停药并就医。

4. 龙角散不宜与猪肉、龙眼等食物同服。


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1. 蛋白质:蛋白质是人体必需的营养素,韭菜种子中的蛋白质含量较高,有助于增强人体免疫力,促进生长发育。

2. 脂肪:韭菜种子中的脂肪成分有助于维持人体正常的新陈代谢,提高免疫力。

3. 矿物质:韭菜种子中含有钙、磷、铁、锌等矿物质,这些矿物质对人体骨骼、心血管、神经系统等都有重要作用。

4. 维生素:韭菜种子中含有丰富的维生素,如维生素A、B族维生素、维生素C等,具有抗氧化、抗炎、增强免疫力等作用。


1. 补肾温阳:韭菜种子性温,具有补肾温阳的作用,适用于治疗阳痿、遗精、早泄等病症,尤其对肝肾两虚的人有较好的疗效。

2. 益肝健胃:韭菜种子含有挥发性精油及硫化物等特殊成分,能散发出独特的香味,增加食欲,提高脾胃功能,预防肝气不舒和胸胁胀痛。

3. 行气理血:韭菜种子的辛辣气味具有散瘀活血、行气导滞作用,可用于治疗跌打损伤、反胃、肠炎、吐血、胸痛等症。

4. 润肠通便:韭菜种子中含有天然油脂和纤维素,能润滑肠道,加快肠道蠕动,对便秘有明显预防和缓解作用。

5. 抗癌作用:韭菜种子中的营养成分具有抗氧化、抗炎、增强免疫力等作用,有助于预防癌症。

6. 治疗疾病:韭菜种子在临床中可用于治疗风湿性关节炎、慢性细菌性痢疾、习惯性打嗝、支气管哮喘、泌尿系统感染、功能性子宫出血、牙疼等疾病。



1. 韭菜子白芷粥:韭菜子10克、白芷9克、米适量。先煮药去渣留汁,再加米煮粥。

2. 腐竹白果粥:腐竹50克、白果仁9克(去心)、米适量,共煮为粥食之。

3. 韭菜炒虾仁:韭菜400克,鲜虾仁200克。锅烧热,加入食油,烧至七成热时,下韭菜段及鲜虾仁煸炒片刻,加入适量白酒及食盐等调味品即可。

4. 韭花:一种酱类食品,用蒜臼子研细韭菜未成熟的种子成浆糊状,在常温下发酵三天左右,加入适量盐即可食用。


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1. 温阳补肾:鹿角帽具有温阳补肾的作用,适用于治疗肾阳不足引起的腰膝酸软、神疲乏力、气短懒言、阳痿、早泄等症状。

2. 活血消肿:鹿角帽能舒经活络,促进血液循环,对于痛经、月经不调、闭经、腹痛、外伤出血等血瘀症状有显著疗效。

3. 强筋健骨:鹿角帽具有强筋健骨的功效,对于腰痛、腰膝酸软、筋骨疼痛等症状有较好的缓解作用。

4. 清热解毒:鹿角帽具有清热解毒的作用,对于热毒性疾病如痈疽、疮疖、口腔溃疡等有一定的治疗作用。

5. 下乳散瘀:鹿角帽具有下乳散瘀的功效,对于产妇乳瘀滞、乳腺肿块、乳房胀痛等症状有较好的改善作用。

6. 抗衰老:鹿角帽具有抗衰老的作用,能预防乳腺癌,提高性生活质量。

7. 预防骨质疏松:鹿角帽能提高血钙浓度,增加人体骨钙质含量,预防骨质疏松,预防骨折。


1. 治疗肾阳不足引起的病症:如腰膝酸软、神疲乏力、气短懒言、阳痿、早泄等。

2. 治疗血瘀症状:如痛经、月经不调、闭经、腹痛、外伤出血等。

3. 治疗筋骨疼痛:如腰痛、腰膝酸软、筋骨疼痛等。

4. 治疗热毒性疾病:如痈疽、疮疖、口腔溃疡等。

5. 治疗乳腺疾病:如乳腺肿块、乳腺炎等。

6. 预防骨质疏松:适用于老年人、孕妇、哺乳期妇女等易患骨质疏松的人群。


1. 饮食禁忌:患者在使用鹿角帽时,忌吃瓜果生冷,以及富含单胺的食物,如动物肝脏、酸奶、腌鱼、腊肉、巧克力、菠萝、柑橘类果汁、啤酒等。

2. 药物禁忌:鹿角帽不可与中药铁树叶一起使用。

3. 禁用人群:阴虚火旺者、孕妇、感冒发烧等人群不建议使用鹿角帽。


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1. 碱性植物蛋白:黎麦米中含有丰富的碱性植物蛋白,摄入人体后可补充多种氨基酸,有利于身体健康。

2. 矿物质:黎麦米富含钙、铁、钾等矿物质,有助于平衡体内离子水平,促进消化,改善腹胀、便秘等症状。

3. 类黄酮:黎麦米中含有槲皮素和山奈酚等类黄酮物质,有助于减少自由基,降低氧化压力,保护身体。

4. 膳食纤维:黎麦米的膳食纤维含量较高,有助于促进肠道蠕动,增加饱腹感,维持肠道健康。

5. 不饱和脂肪酸:黎麦米油脂含量较低,但含有较高比例的不饱和脂肪酸,对心血管健康有益。


1. 调节血糖:黎麦米有助于改善胰岛素分泌,促进体内糖分的消耗,对预防糖尿病和改善肥胖有重要作用。

2. 降低血压、血糖、血脂:黎麦米具有降血压、血糖、血脂的功效,可用于治疗高血压、高血糖、高血脂等疾病。

3. 增强机体功能:黎麦米可以为人体补充营养,增强机体应激能力,预防疾病的发生。

4. 抗癌作用:黎麦米具有抗癌功效,有助于降低癌症风险。

5. 提高免疫力:黎麦米中的营养成分有助于提高人体免疫力,增强抗病能力。

6. 促进消化:黎麦米富含膳食纤维,有助于促进肠道蠕动,改善消化系统功能。

7. 减肥:黎麦米低热量、低脂肪,有助于减肥和控制体重。


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1. 梧桐花泡水:将干燥的梧桐花放入杯中,用开水冲泡,可预防上火,缓解咽喉疼痛。

2. 梧桐花炒菜:将梧桐花洗净,去掉花蒂和花蕊,与蔬菜一起炒食,可增加菜肴的口感和营养价值。

3. 梧桐花煎蛋:将梧桐花洗净,去掉花蒂和花蕊,与鸡蛋、玉米淀粉、面粉等食材混合,煎至两面金黄,即可食用。


1. 女性在月经期间不宜食用梧桐花,容易导致月经不调。

2. 体质虚弱、脾胃虚寒者应慎用梧桐花。



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He swore two sentences, took off his power armor and kicked his feet a few times.

After taking off the armor, Zhao chenglong moved a body or his own body is the most used to it!
"Ha ha! Taking off the old armor will show you a real strength! "
Being a deputy commander of a base depends not only on merit and ingenuity, but also on force.
Although Zhao Chenglong can’t squeeze into the top ten in the ranking of human forces, he is the strongest among the officers at the same level.
He was not outstanding when he was young, but he was baptized by the virus when the doomsday virus broke out
Perhaps because of his physical problems, he didn’t change like his mutant, but every cloud has a silver lining gained super powers.
The muscles of the body can be controlled freely and can force a certain part.
His right fist contains an incurable ability, and the injury of the unit hit by this fist cannot be recovered.
It is also because of this that he always wears black gloves and does not easily carry out close attacks.
Zhao Chenglong first gathered his strength in his legs and jumped into the giant tree at the top of the military base with a squat jump of more than ten meters high, looking at each other face to face.
"You are the human? It doesn’t look so good either! "
Giant tree slightly narrowing her eyes some disdain to stare at Zhao Chenglong.
"Lord of all souls sounds very good. The name is just a tree that can talk big!"
Zhao Chenglong turned back without fear.
"Bitter! I am the tenth leader of the mutant forces, and your human headquarters will not compete with you as a small deputy commander? "
All souls royal Lord stared at the small Zhao Chenglong low sarcastically.
Zhao Chenglong doesn’t care that he is often looked down upon by people, but he is never at ease, but the consequences of those people are often not very good
"In this case, I will see the real move!" He gulped up his strength to drink.
In an instant, his face was trapped in the range of 20 meters in the center of his foot, and many branches of the Lord were directly broken.
"It’s really interesting, but it’s still not qualified!"
All branches of the Almighty Lord are held high and then inserted directly into the ground.
Zhao Chenglong stared at the ground and crawled constantly, calculating the escape position in his heart.
On the count of one, he jumped forward just in time to avoid all the attacks.
Lord Almighty, he will flee backwards, so he will circle all the attack areas to a large area after the first attack.
Some soy sauce players are eating melons and watching the fight. Who wants to shoot them alive with a tree trunk?
After Zhao Chenglong struggled to escape, he evenly distributed his arms, and then he quickly punched the body of all spirits like a sieve, with holes everywhere.
"You can hurt me like this? Dream! "
All wounds are visible to the naked eye, and all wounds are restored quickly.
"Niang skin incredibly still back to the blood! Dare to die with the old man? " Zhao Chenglong spat discontentedly. Isn’t this a bully?
"I’ve neve seen such a shameless person!"
"That’s all! Even if you are old, you can kill you! " Zhao Chenglong rolled up his sleeves and smashed a few punches.
The green light flashed through all the damage and was repaired again.
"Ya you are with me? But it happens that I specialize in bringing my own blood back for 30 years. Are you interested in trying one? "
He immediately took off his gloves and concentrated his strength on the right hand side.
When the foreplay hits the Lord, he is caught off guard.
When it wants to make life again, it finds that the roots can’t be made.
"You … what do you know about witchcraft?"
This time, the Lord Almighty is a little scared. Although its strength is tough, it can rank as the tenth leader, but this is because of its vitality.
At the end of the day, it is just a nine-level variant, and although Zhao Chenglong is a deputy commander, the level is converted to the level of variation, so the gap between the two is not very big.
"Old iron pierced the heart? Do you regret doing the right thing with me? " Zhao Chenglong a face and smiling at all souls royal master hand kept pounding its body.
All souls want to cry, but suddenly it thinks of one thing, and the whole tree becomes refreshed.
"hey! Life is strong! " Zhao Chenglong doesn’t know what the other side is thinking, but it’s only a matter of time before he is confident in his right fist.
The Lord Almighty didn’t speak, and the whole tree fell into silence.
The wind blew through the branches and made a "Hua La" sound, which had a sense of vitality.
When the battle is over, everyone will enlarge the pupil, and the pupil of blood will start to rotate counterclockwise. Suddenly, the sky is overcast with thunder and lightning.
"World Tree!"
The Lord Almighty exclaimed that a whole tree continued to swell and expand, and the roots began to spread in all directions, swimming in the sea like dragons.
[Inform the tenth leader of the mutating forces, Master Wan Ling, to use the forbidden spell secret "World Tree" to dedicate most of his life to the Creator for the chance to become the world core tree]
When the notice appeared, everyone secretly called it bad.
Even Yavin’s expression has become extremely ugly.
Li Xiangkun knows that human failure is a foregone conclusion, but he still wants to finally win a glimmer of hope.

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Some sharp-eyed monks gathered around in alarm and swish, staring at the waves intensely for fear of missing the slightest change on the lake in Yun Qi.

Gradually, more and more people are attracted, and they are waiting for a creature who can successfully walk out of the ancient bronze temple.
In an instant, a dragon sings in the sky, and a blue dragon winds up and fills the air. The divine light shows up and rushes out of the lake with two air-dried figures.
Bang! In the blink of an eye, the dragon turned into a human form, revealing a white coat, fingers and fingers, and the flying fairy overturned with Kyushu’s force, and on the spot, a mummy was torn apart and blown to pieces.
"It’s a king! The king of men rushed out of the bronze temple! Lake mummy fight!
Everyone was surprised when this was said, even some big people were lost in their minds and looked up excitedly.
Hey! Li Yu’s white clothes are detached and his hands are crossed, but there is a tearing force. It is unstoppable. In an instant, the mummy on the other end is torn alive and poof, split in two and fell into the bottom of the lake again.
These mummies are all around the ancient bronze temples, and they are also dyed with a hint of magic and spirituality.
"What a young master! He walked out of the ancient bronze temple safely!"
Gu Yue Wang Jiang’s parents are always shocked. This really comes out when you say it. White clothes are not stained with lead and dust, as if they have never encountered danger.
"Amitabha pays homage to the future Buddha, and the old woman said that the Buddha is bound to come out from the Buddha."
Hanging temple monk smiling crossing their hands for Li Yu quite believe.
This is comparable to Sakyamuni’s young monk and emperor, and even the fate of Buddhism has been partially imposed on him, which is irresistible.
The two great powers of the Demon Emperor’s Temple and the Temple of God also smiled and congratulated each other. This is really a great opportunity. Even they are impatient to know what the ancient temple really has.
"Wang Daoyou, can you kindly tell me what’s in the Immortal Hall?"
Moment Yaoguang, Ji’s family, Yaochi, and the mighty men of the Kitahara gold family all gathered around, eager to know what happened in the Fairy Hall and what to leave.
In the past years, the strong figures in the East Wilderness are gone forever, and even the ancient sages of Dacheng God will be hated.
What’s more, he directly asked whether the king had mastered the immortal machine and understood the mystery of immortality in the theory.
Even the great power is so, not to mention the fact that the elder has waited for a long time. Everyone wants to know whether he really went deep into the bronze fairy hall and what happened to him.
"In the past, when I was in charge of this immortal temple, I may have seen that the immortal machine was in charge of the mystery of immortality; But what I’m waiting for is to break out of it and see the remnants of the past in him … "
Li Yu shook his head. The mystery of immortality is so easy there. Maybe it’s near that field. The strong will come and watch the cruel people change into an epiphany, but it’s just a dream for the creatures in that field.
When he said this, everyone was even more surprised. He really went deep into the bronze temple of terror. You know, it is the tomb of the master of Gaidai. The king is still alive
"You have some things that are not so inquisitive."
Gu Yue Wang Jiang’s parents looked a little unhappy before they got old.
What is their bronze fairy hall? Giving nothing is like learning the secrets of the world. I’m afraid I’m daydreaming!
The powerful forces immediately reacted, and they expressed their apologies according to the fiery heat in their hearts. It was too reckless before.
And the monks also saw the doorway. Obviously, it is impossible to know the secrets of the bronze fairy hall from Jiang Gu and Gu Hua without paying some price.
"Ha, ha, ha, we were so intent on apologizing to Changsheng for being too reckless. The Tianque in the old God City hosted a banquet to make a gift to the people’s king and invited you to join us."
Several powerful glances gave a generous smile and came to invite Li Yu to the Tianque in Shencheng for dinner.
That’s more like it … Gu Hua, the ginger family, nodded his head. This gesture is not very deep for both sides. It is naturally impossible to get benefits from here for no reason.
Immediately after the crowd set sail, many great people ushered in like the stars holding the moon, guarding Li Yu and going to the city of God. The rapid broadcast of news along the way shook the five domains.
"The King Chuang Qing Tong Xian Dian is back!"
"You want to know the secrets of Zhongda University if you want to hold a banquet in the great cities!"
"God, it’s so scary. It’s always the graveyard of the strong in the East. Someone broke out today!"
Li Yu’s entry into the bronze fairy hall naturally caused an uproar, and all the senior figures showed up to the city of God, unwilling to miss this opportunity.
Of course, apart from the birth of the bronze fairy hall, the eastern wilderness and the northern region are also very restless. Today, some people have seen the ancient mines in the early days converge into rivers to the ancient mines.
Some people even swear that it is frightening to see ominous creatures that look ferocious and haunt the Taichu ancient mine.
Others said that they had seen humanoid creatures in the ancient mine in the early days, which overshadowed the stars and the moon.
The most surprising thing is that the forbidden zone in the life of Taichu Ancient Mine has produced a heavenly song that makes people intoxicated, and several people have heard it with their own ears.
It has been many years since the ancient mine in the beginning, and no one can say for sure. Perhaps there are super powers such as the Jiang family and the Yaochi Holy Land, and there are still some classics to consult.
Here, the bronze immortals’ halls complement each other and change on the same day, which makes many people secretly speculate that they have strange ideas.
At the same time, Ye Fan Duan De, the ancient temple, fell all the way, and the mother gas emerged in front of the treasure, which briefly ended the dispute.
"This small actually has the means to collect the Qi roots of Xuan Huang’s mother, and I have to charge more and bring more points to exchange something good with the old ancient. I don’t know if he came here."
Duan De some jealous hands can’t resist the impulse to knock on the sap. The mother gas root of Xuan Huang fell into the hands of Ye Fan, but he also drank some soup and collected some mother gas to bring back to Jiang’s house for Li Yu.
On the other side, several living fossils from Nangong have gathered in one place, and they have also come to the door of the immortal blood word to make a choice.
The gathering of monks by Shuiyun Lake gradually decreased, and many people went to Shencheng to watch the king’s banquet, where they could know the real secret of the ancient temple.
For three days in a row, the bronze fairy hall is looming, and the mysterious yellow seal is about to sink into the wild land, but so far, there is no peerless strong person to go deep into the big man’s heart and make final preparations.
On this night, two figures suddenly rushed out of the lake and a strange cry accompanied by the sound of brotherhood of the Wolf.
Behind them, there were two arms, and their thighs were cold and greasy.
Chapter two hundred and thirteen Purple mountain clouds into the west desert
In a short period of time, the Eastern Wilderness has changed repeatedly, not only the bronze fairy hall in Taixuanmen, but also the ancient mine in Taichu, the northern region, is not quiet, and various visions have appeared, and it is more suspected that ancient creatures have come out.
"The secret soil in the forbidden area of the East Wilderness Life is more bizarre than the top ten wonders of Zhongzhou. Every place is suspected of being immortal. Now there are ancient creatures who have to guard against what they are looking for."
Some monks feel that the world is changing so fast that people are a little dizzying.
Since the Kowloon coffin fell into the forbidden area in ancient times, everything has been different, as if a great world dispute had officially begun, and the experience had become compact.
"Alas, some people say that four mummies rushed out of the lake last night and scared away a large number of monks, but now they are gone when they go to see it again."
Some people regret that someone walked out of the ancient temple, but they were told that it was four mummies, and two of them were still dragging their ankles in front of them.
Up to now, the most touching thing is the bronze fairy hall, which has been slowly sinking to the earth.
There are a lot of important people there, but no one dares to go deep into the eyes easily, and they can also feel the breath of the bronze temple. Those people are still wandering.
"The old ancient has come out from the fairy temple? Why is he moving so fast? Can’t we go the same way? "
Duan De in the distant mountains was carrying a broken sleeve in his hand, and his look was changeable. After all, he failed to catch up with the leaf covering the sky and let him run off to the direction of Taixuan Gate.
"It’s just a small practice. It won’t be long before Daoye goes to the Xuanmen to block him. He won’t believe that he can run away. How dare he be too mean to Daoye’s black hand in the ancient temple?"
A big bag swelled on the back of the head of the Taoist priest, which was covered by unknown objects covered by leaves, and he was beaten with a sap.
He wanted to think, the palace turned out to be a statue of gods, and he was outside the Xuan door, and he adjusted his clothes and hurried to find Li Yu in the direction of Shencheng.
At the same time, the northern city of God, the heavenly demon Bao Que was crowing, and even the number of elders in this level could fall, and some famous places could be seen from a distance, which paid a price and gave benefits.
Most of the people in this heavenly palace are heroes or strangers with detached identities; But today it’s all about the hostess guarding the king.
Yue Xian rings, the beauties dance, and the attire flutters, one by one, like fairy Ling Bo’s feet, and the white mist fills the air, like the cold palace.
"I didn’t expect the bronze fairy hall to be cruel to the emperor."
Shake the light, Lord Li Daoqing said to himself, his eyes flickered with a hint of other meaning.
They shook the land built by the holy land and were very particular about building a big grave, so there was some speculation at the grave door of the National People’s Congress …
Her family’s main eyes were faintly associated with what was revealed.
Everyone marveled at the strength of the ruthless emperor, an ancient emperor who was different from others, killed all the enemies in the world, and stood alone against all the masters of heaven.
Her growth process was too bumpy, but her narrow escape was too horrible. It was a bloody road, almost a human day, which made the world feel scared and fearful.
"The cruel emperor should have stayed there for a long time, and there were traces of the immortal medicine, but unfortunately it had already disappeared."
Li Yu slowly revealed the scene of the bronze fairy temple. There will still be a reproduction machine in this ancient temple in the future, but then it is time to shake the sacred ground.
That chaotic fairy land will also be alive again
"The cruel emperor has so much news these days that it’s so weird that even Papman, a man and a monty, was born. Will he be associated with this ancient temple?"